Request about translate

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dear all,

Could you please translate for me the following sentence.
I will be grateful for your help.

W związku z tym, że wraz z Nowym Rokiem mamy nowy system do ewidencjonowania czasu pracy. Proszę o przesłanie informacji w jakich godzinach deklarujecie się rozpoczynać prace- być może u niektórych z Was nastąpiła zmiana w stosunku do roku ubiegłego.
edytowany przez enchantress18: 08 sty 2018
przetlumacz samodzielnie i daj do sprawdzenia
Therefore, we have New Year and a new system for recording working time. Please send me information, on which time you declare to start working - maybe some of you have changed in relation to last year. ?

Please verify
therefore = dlatego też
we have new year = mamy nowy rok
on which time - zly przyimek
have changed your starting times

if you can phrase your request to us in English, you should be able to translate the request to contractors much more fluently. At least one of your full stops should become a comma.
Unfortunately, I am not able to translate it better - this is why, I asked you for help. I have a level beginning..B1.

Right now, is correct :)?

Due to coming New Year and a new system for recording working time. Please send me information, on what time you declare to start working - maybe some of you have changed your starting times.
With the new year, we have put in place a new system for recording working time. Please let me know what time you declare to start working - maybe ... (dalej bez zmian)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.