Być może masz rację ;d Zacząłem trochę lać wodę, bo trzeba jej wylać jak najwięcej, aż na ok. 1000 słów.
Może to nie jest perfekt, ale jakoś to trzeba napisać, aby było :D
The analysis is intended to show the major differences between the original, english text and the same text, only translated into a polish version. Polish language structure is much different from an english language structure, which I am going to show by analysing those two texts. It is commonly known that polish grammar is more complex than english. In many examples, english sentence can hardly be translated into a polish language, due to the structure, grammar differences. The first signicficant difference concerns the possibility of actually omitting the subject in polish language, without losing the meaning. In an English sentence the subject is an obligatory constituent. In Polish language, the main clause need not have a subject on the surface and the subject may be omitted or even deleted. To support this matter, let’s take a look on the following sentences: „HE watched the waves rise up twenty feet above the street level”. As we can see, at the very beginning there is a subject „HE”, without which we would not have any idea to whom the sentence is referred. To a comparison, let’s take a look on the translated sentence: „Oglądał fale wznoszące się na dwadzieścia stóp ponad poziomem ulicy”. As we can see, at the very beginning there is no any subject. We know that in general the sentence is referred to „him”, because we know it from the context and we are aware that the subject is not a she nor it or any other plural form.
Co o tym sądzisz?