"Why does falling asleep sometimes feel like falling down?"

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Mam pytanie odnośnie pytania: "Why does falling asleep sometimes feel like falling down?" czy jest to dobre tłumaczenie : "Dlaczego podczas zasypiania czasem wydaje nam się, że spadamy?" czy macie może jakieś lepsze tłumaczenie?
edytowany przez Aaric: 01 sie 2018
Oto moje tłumaczenie fragmentu tekstu:

Why does falling asleep sometimes feel like falling down? The feeling of falling down while falling asleep is a quite common phenomenon. The research results show that the majority of people have experienced it at least once in a lifetime. There is a reason for an unpleasant fear that awakes us in the early, pleasant dream stage. There are a few reasons.

On one of the Youtube channels we find a video that collects data about this process in our body. In an affordable way we may find out the reasons for this unpleasant feeling and hypnic jerks. Tiredness, strain, caffeine, sleep deprivation are one of those reasons.

It has to do with so-called hypnic jerks - one of the single spasm of our whole body or extremities that occur while falling asleep. Good news is that is not dangerous. If they do not happen that often causing insomnia there is nothing to worry about.

One of the theories says that owing to this phenomenon, our brain decides whether we want to sleep or be awake. Having no hypnic jerk we would fall asleep without a chance to decide. Apparently this is the remnant of our ancestors that enable us to increase the chance to survive.

Co byście zmienili?
edytowany przez Bartdebsky: 01 sie 2018
On one of the YouTube channels we find a video that collects data about this process in our body. nie rozumiem ;))
There is a reason for an unpleasant fear that awakes us in the early, pleasant dream stage. 'There are a few reasons' (ujmij to inaczej.).

On one of the Youtube channels we find a video that collects data about this process in our body. In an affordable way we may find out the reasons for this unpleasant feeling and hypnic jerks. Tiredness, strain, caffeine, sleep deprivation are 'one' (nie wiem dokladnie ktory to jest ten 'one reason' jak wymieniasz pare 'reasons') of those reasons.

It has to do with so-called hypnic jerks - one 'of the' (niepotr) single spasm of our whole body or extremities that occur while falling asleep. THE good news is that IT is not dangerous.

One of the theories 'says' (nei, daj slowo 'states') that owing to this phenomenon, our brain decides whether we want to sleep or TO be awake.
Apparently this is the remnant of our ancestors that enable us to increase the chance 'to survive' (of survival).
If they do not happen that often causing insomnia there is nothing to worry about. tego też nie mogę rozszyfrować ;))
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