My story

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witajcie, oto kolejna moja historia, proszę nie patrzeć na logikę i spójność, chodzi o naukę słówek :)
Dziś kluczowe jest słowo " get " w 15 znaczeniach. Podam kolejność : 1.otrzymać,uzyskać 2.kupić, nabyć 3. przynosić. 4. otrzymać wypłatę, 5. przybyć, dotrzeć ( do jakiegoś miejsca), 6.Złapać(jakiś środek transportu), 7. ( stawać się ( get + przymiotnik), 8.rozumieć, pojmować 9.odebrać (np.telefon), otwierać (drzwi) 10.przygotować posiłek,jedzenie 11. mieć dolegliwość 12. otrzymać ( karę ), zostać ukaranym, złapać kogoś 13.ranić(kogoś), oberwać 14.denerwować,zasmucać ( kogoś ) 15.poruszać,przemieszczać się ( w jakimś kierunku ).
+ słówka get married, get off, get on, glove, gift. ( starałem się, aby w takiej I kolejności 1-15 użyć ich w tekście )

My story
Hello ! My name is Matthew. Today I will tell you a story about my first job and my first car.

I graduated my high school the last of May 2015. Two months later, I got my driving licence,however there was a problem. I had no enough money to get my first car. I decided to ask my godfather for the help.
He proposed my a job in his firm. I agreed with joy. Two days later he got me an employment contract.
I will never forget a moment when I gotmy first salary. I just didn't know what to do with that money.
I remember that when I got to my house and showed my earnings to my parents, they were really proud of me.After a few months I collected money for a car. I needed to get a taxi to get to a second-hand car dealer's.
When we arrived to the place of destination I didn't know which car should I choose. I was getting irritated. I didn't get how is it possible to have so many cars.I remember that I wanted to leave that place but ultimately I heard a ringtone of my phone and I got it. It was my uncle. He gave me a precious advice. I chose " Opel Astra ". When I came back to my house, it turned out that my mother got a gorgeous dinner. Everything was looking fine but it was not.I started to feel bad in the evening. I got nasty cold. I got punished be my inattention. It was a windly day and I dressed myself badly.

Soon after the purchase I had and unpleasant accident. During my car journey I got a small dog. I didnt't spot it on the road. That accident really got me.. I couldn't stop tears falling down on my cheek. Finally I took the dog into my car and delivered it to the vet. When we arrived to his clinic I got off from my car and explained the situation to him. He was glad that I did this. He put gloves on his hands and took away the dog. I decided to don't ge on into the car and think for a moment. I thought about my fiancee, I really wanted to get married her. It would be the most beautiful gift for me. Pozdrawiam i czekam na poprawki !
I had no enough money
I will never forget a moment when I gotmy first salary.
After a few months I collected money for a car.
I needed to get a taxi to get to a second-hand car dealer's.
When we arrived to the place of destination I didn't know which car should I choose.
I got punished be my inattention.
It was a windly day and I dressed myself badly.
+ inne błędy.
edytowany przez Aaric: 01 sie 2018
I graduated my high school the last (tutaj brakuje 'day') of May 2015.
I had 'no' (to jest zle slowo) enough money to get my first car. I decided to ask my godfather for 'the' (niepotrz) help.
He proposed 'my' (zle slowo, tutaj 'me') a job in his firm.
I will never forget 'a' (tutaj masz zly przedimek, wiesz dokladnie o co chodzi to wtedy 'the') moment when I got my first salary.
After a few months I 'collected' (nie to jest zle slowo, tutaj 'saved') (tutaj trzeba cos dac, np. 'enough') money for a car.
When we arrived 'to' (zle slowo, you arrive At a place) the place of destination I didn't know which car 'should I choose' (zla kol slow, tutaj 'I should choose, to co napisales to jest pytaniem).
I didn't get how is 'it' (tutaj ja bym dalal 'was') possible to have so many cars. I remember that I wanted to leave that place but ultimately I heard a ringtone 'of' (zle slowo, tutaj 'on') my phone and I got 'it' (nie za bardzo wyraznie o co tutaj chodzi).
He gave me 'a' (niepotr slowo) precious advice. I chose AN "Opel Astra ". When I came back to my house, it turned out that my mother 'got' (nie, tutaj lepiej 'prepared' a 'gorgeous' (okish ale sa lepsze slowa, np 'delicious') dinner. Everything 'was looking' (tutaj wystarczy simple 'looked') fine but it was not.
I got (brak przedimka) nasty cold.
It was a 'windly' (ortog) day and I dressed myself 'badly' (nie, tutaj potrzxeba slowo 'nieodpowiednie').

Soon after the purchase (of the car) I had and unpleasant accident. 'During' (cos tu nie tak, nie rozumiem) my car journey I 'got' (to jest zle slowo, tutaj chyba 'hit') a small dog. I 'didnt't' (nie, tutaj 'did not' - didn't) spot it on the road. That 'accident' (nie rozumiem o co chodzi) really got me. I couldn't stop (przedimek) tears falling down on my cheek.
When we arrived to his clinic I got 'off' (nie, tutaj slowo 'out') 'from' (zle slowo, tutaj of') my car and explained the situation to him.
I decided to 'don't ge on' (tutaj cos nie tak, co masz na mysli to 'not get') into the car and think for a moment. I thought about my fiancee, I really wanted to get married. ' her' (niepotr slowo, mozna ...'wanted to marry her', albo 'wanted to get married').
Soon after the purchase I had and unpleasant accident. During my car journey I got a small dog. I didnt't spot SEE it on the road. That accident really got TO me.. I couldn't stop tears falling down on my cheek. Finally I took the dog into my car and delivered NP PICKED UP THE DOG AND TOOK it to the vet. When we arrived to his clinic I got off from OUT OF my car and explained the situation to him. He was glad that I did this. He put ON gloves on his hands and took away the dog. I decided to don't ge on into the car and think for a moment. I thought about my fiancee, I really wanted to get married her. It would be the most beautiful gift for me.
Terri, dlaczego mu nie napiszesz nową pracę od zera?
Bo nie mialam czasu..:-)
Dzięki bardzo za poprawki ! Czasami starałem się wciskać to " get " na siłę, dlatego takie nonsensy wychodzą, może niepotrzebnie tak trzymam się sztywnej reguły, że muszę użyć to słowo we wszystkich 15 znaczeniach jakie znalazłem...

Co do takiej sytuacji "That accident really got TO me." Tutaj Aaric dodałeś " TO " Mialem na myśli " get " w kontekście zasmucać ( kogoś ). Chciałem napisać, że ten wypadek mnie zasmucił. Więc wystarczy dodać tutaj " TO " tak jak napisałeś i jest poprawnie ?
Aaric "I will never forget a moment when I gotmy first salary." A co tutaj mam porawić ? Bo trochę nie mogę się domyśleć :D edit. aa No tak, jak terri napisała, to jest zdarzenie, które znam, więc " the " :)
edytowany przez Mathieu96696: 01 sie 2018
Aaric " I got punished be my inattention" Tutaj hmm... " I got punished for my inattention" ?
I needed to get a taxi to get to a second-hand car dealer's.... hmm tutaj może " I had to get a taxi ( Musiałem złapać taksówkę ), to get a second- hand car dealer's ( aby przybyć, dotrzeć do komisu samochodowego ) ?
edytowany przez Mathieu96696: 01 sie 2018
Co do takiej sytuacji "That accident really got TO me." Tutaj Aaric dodałeś " TO " 'ten wypadek męczył mnie' czy jakoś tak ;))
Aaric "I will never forget a moment when I gotmy first salary." naprawdę nie widzisz dwóch błędów?
Aaric " I will never forget the moment when i got my first salary "
Tam nie miałem na myśli że ten wypadek męczył mnie, znalazłem tłumaczenie 'get'- jako denerwować, zasmucać ( kogoś ) i chciałem napisać że ten wypadek mnie bardzo zasmucił. Więc jak powinienem to napisać przy użyciu " get " ? O ile to słówko w ogóle tam pasuje... :D
znalazłem tłumaczenie 'get'- jako denerwować, zasmucać ( kogoś ) podaj link gdzie to tłumaczenie jest.
No dobrze. Teraz porównaj konstrukcję twojego zdania z podanymi tam przykładami ;))
Możesz np ująć:
The accident got me really upset.
edytowany przez Aaric: 02 sie 2018
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia