I graduated my high school the last (tutaj brakuje 'day') of May 2015.
I had 'no' (to jest zle slowo) enough money to get my first car. I decided to ask my godfather for 'the' (niepotrz) help.
He proposed 'my' (zle slowo, tutaj 'me') a job in his firm.
I will never forget 'a' (tutaj masz zly przedimek, wiesz dokladnie o co chodzi to wtedy 'the') moment when I got my first salary.
After a few months I 'collected' (nie to jest zle slowo, tutaj 'saved') (tutaj trzeba cos dac, np. 'enough') money for a car.
When we arrived 'to' (zle slowo, you arrive At a place) the place of destination I didn't know which car 'should I choose' (zla kol slow, tutaj 'I should choose, to co napisales to jest pytaniem).
I didn't get how is 'it' (tutaj ja bym dalal 'was') possible to have so many cars. I remember that I wanted to leave that place but ultimately I heard a ringtone 'of' (zle slowo, tutaj 'on') my phone and I got 'it' (nie za bardzo wyraznie o co tutaj chodzi).
He gave me 'a' (niepotr slowo) precious advice. I chose AN "Opel Astra ". When I came back to my house, it turned out that my mother 'got' (nie, tutaj lepiej 'prepared' a 'gorgeous' (okish ale sa lepsze slowa, np 'delicious') dinner. Everything 'was looking' (tutaj wystarczy simple 'looked') fine but it was not.
I got (brak przedimka) nasty cold.
It was a 'windly' (ortog) day and I dressed myself 'badly' (nie, tutaj potrzxeba slowo 'nieodpowiednie').
Soon after the purchase (of the car) I had and unpleasant accident. 'During' (cos tu nie tak, nie rozumiem) my car journey I 'got' (to jest zle slowo, tutaj chyba 'hit') a small dog. I 'didnt't' (nie, tutaj 'did not' - didn't) spot it on the road. That 'accident' (nie rozumiem o co chodzi) really got me. I couldn't stop (przedimek) tears falling down on my cheek.
When we arrived to his clinic I got 'off' (nie, tutaj slowo 'out') 'from' (zle slowo, tutaj of') my car and explained the situation to him.
I decided to 'don't ge on' (tutaj cos nie tak, co masz na mysli to 'not get') into the car and think for a moment. I thought about my fiancee, I really wanted to get married. ' her' (niepotr slowo, mozna ...'wanted to marry her', albo 'wanted to get married').