Która wersja tłumaczenia na angielski lepsza?

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Które tłumaczenie lepiej oddaje sens polskiego oryginału w języku angielskim, a może jest jeszcze inne, lepsze?

Życie to deszcz gówna. A najlepszym parasolem jest sztuka.

Life is a rain of shit. And the best umbrella is art.
Life is a shower of shit. And the best umbrella is art.
and art is the best umbrella
The original quote goes something like this:
Life is a shitstorm, and when it's raining shit the best umbrella is art.
@Aaric, tak, ale mnie nie chodzi o oryginał, niemniej dzięki.
Ale oryginał jest najlepszą wersją
I’m willing to bet the quip was flopped by a half-wit. Half-wits (=nit-wits) do such things when they strenuously exert themselves to come up with a zinger that can be used in everyday life while avoiding the pomposity that often comes along with it. He replaced the whiff of pomposity with a stink of vulgarity. Of the two I chose pomposity any day of the week.

I have a lot to say about this Polish tendency to be “westernized” the English way. I’ve heard a lot of shit and fuck sounding, and middle finger pointing with no apparent reason in your every day parlance, which makes me sick to my stomach.
Let me add that I have never met a native Polish speaker who could say “shit” the way it should sound.
Of the two I chose pomposity any day of the week.

Your spelling is shite.
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