proszę o sprawdzenie opowiadania

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One summer day I was fixed up with My trainer, Cuba on the ridding a horse. We have meet on three o’ clock in barn. Cuba said that he had for me a suprise.

I couldn’t wait when finally I was in barn. While only father back to work he carry me on workout. Trainer yet wait for me. I asked Cuba:
-Whats is suprise?
- You find out after riding becouse I must rething its choice We see how yourself consult with presentday taska – said Cuba
- please, told me, becouse I couldn’t purhase on riding – I said.
Instructor told me on Saturday was horse show, and he want so I start on. I was very happy.
- for ten minutes I want see you in padock. – i hear from far.
I take horse – comb and I go to prepare my lovely mave, Metaxa. After ten minutes was yet finished. The trainer give me awesome impress. We to train the worst elements: pirouette, impress and stopping. I was very tried. I get little rest. Souse nigh the parcour drive a motorbike. My mave frighten and ircure me. Alas I don’t hold with saddle. I fall. Instructor catch Metaxa, and I stend up and feel terrible ache in left arm. Patently about finally training not a chanche. Cuba view my arm and he asid ihad see the doctor. We went to hospital. I know that I don’t started.

We arrived fast to hospital. The doctor do my X-ray. It turned out that I had broke arm. I very worry. This was the worst day for me.
One summer'S day 'I was fixed up' (nie, czy masz na mysli, 'I arranged...?)with My (dlaczego my duza litera?) trainer, Cuba 'on the ridding' (to chyba 'to RIDE A horse).
We mET AT (spotyka sie ludzi AT godz) three o'clock (mozna tez 3p.m.) in THE barn. Cuba said that he had A SURPRISE for me.
I couldn't wait UNTIL finally I was in THE barn. While only father back
to work he carry me on workout -tego zdania nie rozumie).
The trainer WAITED for me. I asked Cuba (mozna tez 'him'):
What is MY suprise?
You'LL find out after THE riding LESSON becAuse I must rething THE (niewiem o co chodzi z 'its') choice. We'LL see how yourself consult with presentday task( o co tu chodzi?) -said Cuba
please, tELL me, becAuse (Prosze zauwazyc jak sie pisze BECAUSE - tam niema 'o')I couldn't purChase on riding (napisz to zdanie po polsku-) - I said.
Sa tutaj zdania ktore nie moge zalkowicie zrozumiec - napisz je po polsku-wtedy poprawimy. Zobacz moje p[oprawki, i pomysl dlaczego tak jest.
Instructor told me THAT on Saturday THERE was TO BE A horse show, and THAT he wantED I (nie I ale 'me') TO ENTER.
I was very happy. IN ten minutes I want TO see you in THE padDock - ('I' piszemy i to zawsze, bez zadnego wyjadku, duza litera) I heaRD from Afar.
I TOOK THE horse - combED THE MANE and I WENT to prepare my lovely maRe, Metaxa. After ten minutes 'was yet' (co to? czy masz na mysli 'I was') finished. The trainer give me awesome impress - napisz to zdanie po polsku).
We WERE to train the worst elements: pirouette, impress and stopping. I was
very tried ('tried' napewno nie byles - moze TIRED?). I GOT little rest.
Souse nigh the parcour - (niewiem o co chodzi tutaj) drOve a motorbike.
My maRe frighten and 'ircure'(co to za slowo?) me. Alas I COULDN'T hold THE
saddle. I fELL. (czas przeszly od fall). The instructor cAUGHT (czas przeszly od catch) Metaxa, and I stAnd (slow nie piszemy tak jak wymawiamy) up and feLT (cczas przeszly od fall) A terrible ache in MY left arm.
Patently about finally training not a chance(napisz to po polsku).
Cuba EXAMINED my arm and he SAID THAT I had TO see the doctor. We went to THE hospital. I know NOW that I WOULD NOT BE startING.
We arrived QUICKLY AT THE hospital. The doctor X-rayed MY ARM. It turned out
that I had brokeN IT. I WAS very worrIED. This was the worst day for me.
>One summer day I was to meet with my horse-riding instructor, Kuba.We were to meet at three in the stable.Kuba told me that he had a surprise for me.
> I couldn't waitto get to the stable.As soon as my father came brack from work he took me to my training place.My instructor was waiting for me. I asked him:
>-What's the suprise?
>- You will find out after the training.I have to see how will you do with today's tasks and then I will make the choice.
>- Please, tell me, because I won't focus on riding - I said.
The instructor told me that there was horse show on Saturday,
and that he wanted me to take part in it. I was very happy.
In ten mintues I want to see you in the paddock. -I heard.
>I took the horse - comb and I started to prepare my lovely mave, Metaxa. After
>ten minutes had finished. The instructor was impressed.that day I had
>to train the worst elements: pirouette, impress and stopping. I was
>very tried. I decided to rest for a while.But suddenly the motorbike passed by and that frightened my mave.She reared up and I fell down.Kuba caught Metaxa,but as I tried to stand up I felt a terrible pain in my left arm.The training was over.Kuba looked at my arm and he tolde me that I had to see the doctor. We went to the hospital.At that mooment I knew that I would not take part on the competition.
>We arrived in the hospital. The doctor x-rayed my arm and it turned out that it was broken. I was worried and sadI must say taht it was one of my worst days.

pozwolilam sobie na male zmiany i nie wiem czy to jest w 100% poprawnie:]
napiszę Ci całe opowiadanie po polsku (oczywiście moje tłumaczenie nie zawsze jest dosłowne)
pewnego letniego dnia byłam umówiona z moim trenerem na jazdę konną. mieliśmy sie spotkać o 15 w stajni. Powiedział mi że ma dla mnie niespodziankę.
nie mogłam już się doczekać kiedy wreszcie będę w stajni. gdy tylko mój tata wrócił z pracy, zawiózł mnie na trening, trener juz czekał. zapytałam się Kuby co to za niespodzianka?
- dowiesz się po jeździe \, muszę jeszcze przemyśleć swój wybór, zobaczymy jak sobie poradzisz z dziesiejszymi zadaniami - powiedział Kuba
- proszę, powiedz mi, bo nie będę mogła się skupić na jeździe - -powiedziałam
Instruktor oznajmił mi, że w sobotę są zawody i chciał żebym w nich wystartowała. Ucieszyłam sie bardzo.
- za 10 min chcę cię widzieć na padoku - usłyszałam z dleka
wzięłam zgrzebło i poszłam szykować moją śliczną klacz, Metaxę. po 10 min. byłyśmy już gotowe. trener dał mi niezły wycisk. ćwiczyliśmy najgorzej wychodzące elementy: piruety, chody i zatrzymania. byłam już bardzo zmęczona. dostałam chwilkę odpoczynku. nagle niedaleko parkuru przejechał motor. Moja klacz wystraszyła sie i mnie poniosła. niestety nie utrzymałam się w siodle. spadłam. instruktor złapał Metaxę, a ja wstałam i poczułam okropny ból w lewej ręce. oczywiście o skończeniu jazdy nie było mowy. Kuba obejrzał moja rękę i powiedział, że powinien to zobaczyć lekarz/ wiedziałam, ze już nie wystartuję w zawodach. Przybyliśmy szybko do szpitala. lekarz zrobił mi prześwietlenie. okazało się ze moja ręka jest złamana. bardzo się zmartwiłam. to był dla mnie najgorszy wakacyjny dzień.
...arranged with my trainer, Cuba to have a riding lesson.
We WERE to MEET at 3p.m. in THE barn.
I couldn't wait UNTIL THE TIME I was in THE barn, BUT HAD TO WAIT UNTIL MY father returned FROM work to TAKE ME there. The trainer WAS ALREADY WAITING.

You'LL find out after THE riding LESSON becAuse I must rething MY CHOICE.
We'LL see how MANAGE WITH TODAYS taskS -said Cuba
please, tELL me, becAuse I WILL NOT BE ABLE TO (skupic to jest-concentrate- nic wspolnego nie ma z zakupami-purchase)- I said.

After ten minutes 'WE WERE READY. ... The trainer give me awesome TASKS... Suddenly, nearby A motorcycle drove past.
My maRe frighten ME and LIFTED ME UP and I could NOT hold MYSELF in the saddle and I fELL. The instructor cAUGHT Metaxa, and I GOT UP and feLT A terrible ache in MY left arm. THERE WAS NO chance to finish the ride.
Cuba EXAMINED my arm and he SAID THAT I had TO see the doctor. We went to THE hospital. I REALIZED NOW that I WOULD NOT BE startING in the RACE.
i jeszcze jedno: po co tłumaczyć Kuba na Cuba??? Imion się NIE tłumaczy
ale jeśli lubisz...
hej wiem, że imion sie nie tłumaczy, ale moja babka od anglika czepia sie ze mamy tłumaczys jak się da , nazw zabytków tez sie nie tłumaczy prawda a ona za takie cos odejmuje punkty....

do you watch "House MD"?
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