>jak to dobrze napisać in englisz?
na poczatek napisac to lepiej po polsku.
>"jesli chodzi o ....
miedzy innymi:
as for..
as far as (to cos) is concerned..
when it comes to..
szczerze mówiąc nie ukrywam że jest to mały
Jesli nie ukrywasz to mowisz szczerze..
to tell you the truth this/that/it is a little problem..
frankly speaking this/that/it is a small problem
I am not going to deny that this poses a small problem (for me?)
>Mimo to, oczywiście chętnie bym sprobował "
despite that, I would like to try
I'd like to try it nevertheless
.., but I'd like to give it a shot anyway
..however I'm willing to try it
kontekst by uproscil sprawe