
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
hi all;)
Musze w pewnym liscie zawrzec kilka inf i prosiłabym o pomoc w sprawdzeniu błedów i poprawieniu mnie;)
-musze przeprosic kolezanke ze nie odbiore jej z dworca podajac powód
*Im sorry but I am afraid I can't pick up you from the airport becouse I will go to exams.
-zaproponuj 2 formy spedzenia wolnego czasu podczas pobytu kolezanki u Ciebie
*When you arrive at my home we can go to the disco, restaurant or we can go sightseeng old build.
-poradz jakie ubrania i sprzet powinna zabrac ze soba
*In my opinion you must take winter clothes becosue the weather is changeable.
>*I am afraid I can't pick up you from the airport
>becouse I am going to exams. (bez I'm sorry i nie ten czas :P)
>-zaproponuj 2 formy spedzenia wolnego czasu podczas pobytu kolezanki u
>*When you arrive we can go to the disco, restaurant or we
>can go sightseeng.
>-poradz jakie ubrania i sprzet powinna zabrac ze soba
>*In my opinion you must take winter clothes because the weather is

poza tym chyba ok :)
I'm afraid I will be unable to pick you up from the airport, because I will be having (my) exams then.

In my opinion, you must take winter clothes with you, because the weather (here) is changeable. (and you never know what to expect)

After you have arrived, we will go....


Pomoc językowa