Tłumaczenie Chamillionaire'a

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Moja prośba jest podobna do wielu tutaj istniejących, mianowicie zwracam sie do was z uprzejmą prośbą o przetłumaczenie tekstu piosenki Chamillionaire'a - "grown and sexy".
Mój angielski nie jest dobry niestety i całości tego tekstu nie moge przetłumaczyć,( niektóre zdania i refren tej piosenki jest dla mnie zrozumiały, przynajmniej tak mi się wydaje ;p ), a w internecie NIE MA tłumaczenia tego tekstu. Bardzo mi na tym zależy bo podoba mi sie ta piosenka...

Tu zamieszczam jej tekst: Jeśli będzie ktoś łaskaw to będę bardzo wdzięczny dla takiej osoby, której przetłumaczenie tego nie sprawi większej trudności. Zresztą nie potrzeba dokładnie całego utworu,... ile kto potrafi. :)

Ha-ha yeah, it's yours truly Houston's own
Chamillionaire holding it down, for the playa that don't believe
In love at first sight, but the playa that believes that he
Can get love on the first night, that's right
So before I get to discussing, what type of eye candy I need
What type of visual stimulation, she needs to be able to achieve
There's something special bout ya, that ain't hard to see

Grown and sexy from your head, down to your toes you know you're fine
Got that perfect face a perfect shape, and perfect smile (a perfect smile)
But soon as you turned around, it's something that I realized yeah
You look better from behind, you look better from behind, grown and sexy

From the moment you flashed your teeth, I knew that we had to meet
Your face was the Mona Lisa, your ass was a masterpiece
Asked ya if you was married, and that's when you answered no
I asked if you had a nigga, and that's when you said fa sho
So I didn't care, as you walked away I was stare
At your bottom in apple bottoms, your waist was shaped like a pare
Really round at the bottom, a little thin up there
So instead of letting ya leave, I pursued ya just like the playa
That I am and damn, couldn't help but to help myself
To a helping because I smelled some perfume, that can make me melt
And you shoulda seen my demeanor, I had to control myself
Approaching you from the rear, as I tapped you right on your belt
And you tried to look surprised, like you didn't know I was behind ya
But I could tell by your smile, you was waiting on me to find ya
Mess with my thought a bit, and tried to play hard to get
You don't wanna look like you're freaky, pretend like it's hard to hit

Let's give a toast, to the ladies that look better up close
That look better by the behind, and better when you approach
You try your best to get up close, until you smelling the soap
Lovely ladies from coast to coast, get in bed and she dope
Not a eight and not a nine, grade you more than just a dime
Bentley steering wheel body, cause you look better from behind
Grip around your waist turn it, like I'm just trying to get a better view
Cause God must of been working hard, when he assembled you
I'm trying to test drive, your rear and your shape
And I'm power steering your waist, and I see your rear is in shake
If you thought I couldn't handle it, then you're really mistaken
No one here to keep you near, then you're here for the taking
I'm still waiting, for you to give me one good reason


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