proszę o przetłumaczenie krótkich zdań/ zwrotów!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
witam wszystkich serdecznie;)
Z racji trwających wakacji, postawilam sobie za cel udoskonalenie moich umiejetnosci z jezyka angielskiego:) z tego powodu ze ucze sie sama w domu prosze Panstwa o pomoc:)

1. Where do you all come from?
2. Sorry I'm late! - przepraszam za spóźnienie czy przepraszam jestem spóźniona?
3. That's cool!
4. Come over here, everybody!
1. Where do you all come from? - skad wy wszyscy pochodzicie
2. Sorry I'm late! - przepraszam jestem spóźniona
3. That's cool! - to jest cool
4. Come over here, everybody! - chodzcie tu wszyscy

przy okazji mam prosbe do wszystkich znajacych angielski juz BARDZO dobrze, bo
ja niby znam, ale nie moge sobie z tym poradzic.. :P to jest test piosenki:

hang up the chick habit
hang it up, daddy,
or you'll be alone in a quick
hang up the chick habit
hang it up, daddy,
or you'll never get another fix

i'm telling you it's not a trick
pay attention, don't be thick
or you're liable to get licked

you're gonna see the reason why
when they're spitting in your eye
they'll be spitting in your eye

hang up the chick habit
hang it up, daddy,
a girl's not a tonic or a pill
hang up the chick habit
hang it up, daddy,
you're just jonesing for a spill

oh, how your bubble's gonna burst
when you meet another nurse
she'll be driving in a hearse

you're gonna need a heap of glue
when they all catch up with you
and they cut you up in two

now your ears are ringing
the birds have stopped their singing
everything is turning grey

no candy in your till
no cutie left to thrill
you're alone on a tuesday

hang up the chick habit
hang it up, daddy,
or you'll be alone in a quick
hang up the chick habit
hang it up, daddy,
or you'll never get another fix

i'm telling you it's not a trick
pay attention, don't be thick
or you're liable to get licked

you're gonna see the reason why
when they're spitting in your eye
they'll be spitting in your eye

z gory dziekuje :)
jeszcze to:)

1. That's all right.
2. They're a bit tired.
3. Come on! let's get on the bus.
4. Where does the bus go?
5. It goes round the centre of LIverpool.
6. They don't want to come.
7. Look at the Chinese gate!
8. They aren't here yet.
9. You can read it if you like.

1. That's all right. - w porzadku, jest okej
2. They're a bit tired. - oni sa troche zmeczeni
3. Come on! let's get on the bus. - daj spokoj! chodzmy do autobusu
4. Where does the bus go? - gdzie jedzie autobus
5. It goes round the centre of LIverpool. - on jedzie wokolo centrum liverpoolu
6. They don't want to come. - oni nie chca przyjsc
7. Look at the Chinese gate! - (??) spojrz na chinska bramke
8. They aren't here yet. - jeszcze ich tu nie ma
9. You can read it if you like. - jesli chcesz mozesz to przeczytac
1. How's it going? How do you like your rooms?
2. They're a bit basic but there're OK.
3. They're fine thanks. Just one thing.Can I have some pillows?
4. Sure. Sorry about that. I'll get some for you.
5. And I don't think there's a wastepaper bin.
6. No problem. I'll go and get one now. Remember you can put some posters on the wall if you like but you musn't use drawing pins.
7. Can we move the furniture around?
8. I want to put my armchair on the other side of the room.
9. You musn't play loud music after ten thirty at night.
10. Yes, we know
11. Adam's room has got a wastepaper bin.
12. There are some posters on the wall.
13. They can't move anythink in the room.
14. They can play loud music until eleven o'clock.
15. Can I have some coat hangers?
16. I'll get some for you.
17. How's everything?
18. I don't think there's a desk lamp.
19. I'll get one for you.
20. Please do not run around the edge of the pool.
21. Please tie your hair back or wear a swimming cap if you've got long hair.
22. You can jump into the pool from the side but not from the diving boards.
23. Never push another person into the water.
24. Please do not take bottles or glasses near the pool.
25. You can use mobile phones in the cafe but not in the pool area.
26. Swimming Pool Rules!
proszę o pomoc...w związku z przetlumaczenie tego na angielski....

Witam, chciałbym zakupić lampy (reflektory) do fiata sieny. Model z soczewkami. Interesuje mnie cena i cena transportu towaru do polski (najtańsze rozwiązanie). Jest to sprawa dla mnie wyjątkowo ważna, ponieważ żadne tuningowe lamy nie są dostępne w polsce. Pozdrawiam. I proszę o odpowiedź.

sama cos napisałam więc proszę o sprawdzenie;

I greet, I would like to buy lamps for fiat ( spotlight ) siena. Model with lenses. Price interests me and price of transport of commodity for poland (Most cheap solution). There is case for I important exclusively, as no is available in poland lamp tuningowe. I salute. And please, about answer.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Studia językowe


Business English