My room

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My room is large. The walls are blue colors and there are many pictures on these. I have got a very big bed on two people;)or more... The furniture are very expensive and beutifull, it has a white color. On my desk always reign mess becuase I haven't got time for tidy. Opossite the door there is a TV set. Desk is next to the bed. Near the desk is lot of cupboard. On floor is a very very big carpet. It's beautiful:) I have got a shelf of glass where figures are ( duzo ) ?? a lot .On shelfes I have many books, figures which my parents come back from Italy, pencil, pen, and others odds and ends. My room is really beautifull but I would like chang it because it's very bit basic ( wyszukany? ). I'd like have a teen room.

Mój pokoj jest ogromny. Ściany sa koloru niebieskiego i jest na nich duzo obrazow.Mam bardzo duze lozko na dwie osoby albo wiecej.Meble sa bardzo drogie i piekne , maja kolor bialy. na moim biurku zawsze panuje balagan poniewaz ja nie mam czasu na sprzatanie.Naprzeciwko drzwi jest telewizor.Biurko jest kolo lozka.Niedaleko biurka jest wiele szafek. Na podlodze jest bardzo duzy dywan.jest piekny!Mam szklana polke gdzie jest wiele figurek. Na szafkach mam wiele ksiazek, figurek, ktore moi rodzice przywiezli z Wloch, olowkow, dlugopisow i innych drobiazgow.Moj pokoj jest naprawde sliczny ale chcialabym go zmienic poniewaz jest bardzo wyszukany . Chcialabym miec mlodziezowy pokoj.
>My room is large. WALLS are blue COLOUR and there are many
>pictures on THEM. I have got a very big bed FOR two people;)or more...
>The furniture IS very expensive and BEAUTIFUL, it has a white color.
>My desk always IS A mess becuase I haven't got time for tidy.
>Opossite the door there is a TV set. A desk is next to the bed. NOT FAR FROM THE desk THERE ARE A lot of cupboardS. On THE floor is a very very big carpet. It's beautiful:) I have got a shelf of glass where THERE ARE LOTS OF figures. On shelfes I have many books, figures,(przecinek przed which) which my parents bought in(kupili we) Italy, pencilS, penS, and OTHER odds and ends. My room is
>really BEAUTIFUL but I would like TO changE it because it's TOO PRIM. I'd like TO have a room LIKE OTHER TEENAGERS(jak inne nastolatki).

Ja mam problemy z articles, lepiej niech ktoś to jeszcze sprawdzi.
>THE walls are OF blue colour

>My desk IS always A mess becAUse I haven't got time for tidyING.

>Opposite the door there is a TV set. THE desk is next to the bed.

>On the floor THERE is a very big carpet.

>On THE shelfes I have A LOT OF (many przecz/pyt) books,
>My room is really BEAUTIFUL (bylo juz, znajdz synonim)

ogolnie albo wszedzie uzywaj contractions (I'm, there's), albo nie (I am, there is). w takich pracach na ogol pisz I'm, there's etc.
>>On THE shelfes I have A LOT OF (many przecz/pyt) books,

zamiast 'figures' lepiej dać 'figurines' bo te ostatnie to właśnie takie figurki, o które pewno tobie chodzi.
ja cos takiego zostawilem? shame on me :/
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.