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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o przetłumaczenie tego krótkiego tekstu

A fact recently confirmed by his daughter-in-law, Christine and his grandson, Bernard, the principal driving forces behind the project, who explained that for them it is the result "of the people of Malaga's passion for the artist". In gratification for these feelings, both decided to donate or hand over part of their collections to the art gallery.
A fact recently confirmed by his daughter-in-law, Christine and his grandson, Bernard, the principal driving forces behind the project, who explained that for them it is the result "of the people of Malaga's passion for the artist". In gratification for these feelings, both decided to donate or hand over part of their collections to the art gallery.
Czyn dopiero co potwierdzony, przez jego przyrodnią córkę, Christine i wnuka, Bernarda, główna siła napędzająca (motywująca) poza planem (tu: trochę niejasne- brak kontekstu), który wyjaśnił, że dla nich jest to efekt uwielbienia ludzi z Malagi dla artysty. Jako spełnienie tych uczuć, obydwoje zdecydowali podarować lub przekazać część jego kolekcji do galerii sztuki.
Dzięk. Czały kontekst jest taki:

The museum, funded by the Junta de Andalucia with the support of heirs of the Andalucian artist, is the fulfilment of a lifelong dream of the artist. A fact recently confirmed by his daughter-in-law, Christine and his grandson, Bernard, the principal driving forces behind the project, who explained that for them it is the result "of the people of Malaga's passion for the artist". In gratification for these feelings, both decided to donate or hand over part of their collections to the art gallery. Christine and Bernard Picasso have placed 204 pieces of work from their private collections at the disposal of the Picasso Museum in Malaga. According to Carmen Gimenez, the museum director, these are pieces that cover "all the creative periods of the artist's work", and include creations from his youth to those which he signed at the end of his life.
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Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia