Prosze o sprawdzenie :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosze o sprawdzenie poprawności is pójności tych zdań :) "One Day I and my Friend Tom went to Irealend.We wanted to visit Dublin. I rang him up and offered a meeting in a cafe. To faster visit some beautiful places in Dublin I wanted to take a taxi, but in the end we took a bus because it was cheaper."
"One day Andrzej from USA rang me up and he wanted to go with me on trip at the weekend . I suggested that we should go to the seaside. We had been talking about it for a long time and finally we decided to stay the night in the Grandad hotel because my friend told that this hotel is very good. Andrzej agreed on it and then we started to prepare for our trip."
"I remember as if it was today. I went with my cousin Marcin to the zoo and I decided to tell about it to my friend. I rang him up and I told that chimpanzee was making strange faces and hyena was laughing at Marcin when he had stumbled on the rubbish. When we were coming back I was laughing at him for all time and he was ashamed. In the end he got offended and he hasn't spoken to me today."
Poprawione w innym wątku. Nie zakładajcie tego samego tematu dwa razy - to niczego nie przyspieszy, a zaśmieca forum.


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