proszę o pomoc i sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie. Mam nadzieję że nie popełniłam strasznie dużo błędów:) Z góry dziękuję:*

1. Put the words in the right order to make questions.
a) long is since English started it studying how you?
How long is since you started studying English?
b) you have when last did a holiday?
When did you have last holidays?
c) many have lived town years this you how in?
How many years have you lived in this town?
d) book you long had how for have this?
How long you have had for this book?
e) leave home did this you morning when?
When did you leave home this morning?
f) have films month seen how you this many?
How many films have you seen this morning?

2. For 1-6 below, think of the word which is being definied. The words are all connected with the cinema or television

a) the character that an actor plays ina play or film- character/role/part?
b) The large white surface that pictuers are shown on in the cinema- screen
c) The place in a cinema where tickets are sold – box office
d) The place ot time where a film or television programme is shot – tutaj nie wiem
e) The story of a film or book – plot
f) The technique of starting a story in the present, then moving to the past – nie wiem

3. Choose the correct alternative in each of these sentences:
a)Have you run/ Have you been running? You look hot
Have you been running
b) Did you ever go/ Have you ever been to Milan.
Have you ever been
c) I’ve had/ I’ve been having a TV in my beedroom ever since I was small
I’ve had
d) I have never seen/ I never saw an opera before.
I never saw
e) She has done / She has been doing her homework for the last two hous.
She has been doing
f) I have known / I have been knowing him for three years
I have known
g) Tom asked me for your email adress, but I haven’t known/ I didn’t know it.
I haven’t know
a) long is since English started it studying how you?
How long is {zapomniałaś o: IT} since you started studying English?
b) you have when last did a holiday?
When did you {2-have} {1-last} holidays?
c) OK
d) book you long had how for have this?
How long you have had {2-for} {1-this book}?
e) OK
f) OK

2. For 1-6 below, think of the word which is being definied. The words are all connected with the cinema or television

a) the character that an actor plays ina play or film- part/role
b) OK
c) Ok
d) The place ot time where a film or television programme is shot - tutaj nie wiem - SETTING?/ SET?
e) OK
f) The technique of starting a story in the present, then moving to the past - FLASHBACK?

3. Wszystko dobrze oprócz G)
Yes, flashback;)
Dziękuję za pomoc.
I takie pytanie dlaczego w tym zdaniu: " Tom asked me for your email adress, but I haven't known/ I didn't know it." poprawne jest "I didn't know" a nie " I haven't known'?

I kolejna porcja zadań do sprawdzenia :)

1. Complete the email using appropriate time expressions.
Dear Sam,
It’s been a long time (1) since we were in touch- I hope everything is OK with you. What have you been doing (2) since the last year? Are you still working for your father?
A lot of things have happened in my life (3) since we were at college in Edinburgh. (4) When I left university, I got a job in Londonworking in a bank. It was OK (5) for the first six months, but then I began to get a bit bored, and I didn’t really like libing in London. So I applied to do voluntary work overseas and I’ve (6) ever (?) heard I’ve been accepted to work on a project in Namibia. I’ve (7) never been to Africa, so I’m really looking forward to it.
It would be great to see you before I go- have you made any plans for the summer holidays (8) yet? I’ve got three weeks’ holiday – maybe we could meet up somewhere?
Hope to hear frm you soon.

2. Complete the sentences with a suitable preposition.
a) I think everyone should have a chance to vote [on] their favourite stars in the Oscars.
b) If I won a lot of money, I would donate at least half [to] chatity
c) I like watching films set [in] the future
d) Being a film star isn’t just a matter [of] looking good.
e) Appearing [on] stag is much more difficult than acting [in] a film
f) I wouldn’t want to take part [in] a reality Tv show
>I takie pytanie dlaczego w tym zdaniu: " Tom asked me for your email
>adress, but I haven't known/ I didn't know it." poprawne jest "I
>didn't know" a nie " I haven't known'

wszystko dotyczy sytuacji z przeszlosci, stad uzycie Past Simple a nie Perfect Simple

I hope everything is
>OK with you. What have you been doing (2) {in} the last year? Are you
>still working for your father?

and I've (6) {since} (?) heard I've
>been accepted to work on a project in Namibia

>a) I think everyone should have a chance to vote {for} their favourite
>stars in the Oscars.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia