proszę o tłumaczenie

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>>>except the part of being a native, which I won't accept as a proof of grammatical or stylistic correctness.
...And neither will I. Simply being a native, by virtue of birth and/or residence is not enough to consider yourself an expert in a language.
We should all be open to constructive criticism, if, by some strange chance, we happen to make a mistake. Nobody's perfect.
>I might have exaggerated, so sorry, but now and again, why do you have to always attack just like that ? Don't get it! Wanna bite me ?

merix, you just misunderstood me, I'm afraid...
Ok, but she didn't make a mistake. As mg has already explained, using "would have" is a way of distancing yourself from the statement - making that statement sound less definite. It's very common in spoken English.
>but please leave the English alone !

Widze, ze jestes 'native', ale sam sie gubie, jakiego kraju. To co wyzej napisalas (the English) pozostawia duzo do myslenia - dlaczego mieszasz Anglikow jako nacje do tej debaty? Bo jak inaczej mozna tlumaczyc 'the English' jako nacje.
Jezeli chcialas powiedziec - 'zostawcie w spokoju jezyk angielski' - to doskonale wiesz, gdzie sie pomylilas.

Pisze to, poniewaz masz typowe podejscie, jakie napotykam na prawie kazdym kroku, kiedy Polak/ka staje w obliczu tlumaczenia sie z czegos, co bylo moze nie zamierzonym, ale jednak blednym posunieciem. Bycie 'nativem' nie gwarantuje ci wszechwiedzy o swoim rodzimym jezyku. Jest naprawde ciezko przyznac sie do bledu. I tylko ci, ktorych stac na uznanie komentarzy innych, sa w stanie zrozumiec, ze nie zawsze maja racje, 'being even a native speaker of the language they speak'.

Wracajac do twojej wypowiedzi, 'I wouldn't have said so' i temu podobnym - zawezilas swoja wypowiedz tylko do przeszlej sytuacji, co wprowadza dwuznacznosc co do twojego obecnego stosunku do tej sytuacji. Uzycie 'I wouldn't say so' nie pozostawia zadnych watpliwosci co do sposobu twojego myslenia na temat danej sytuacji.
So, I learned something new... thanks mg and barbara_d.
Nobody's perfect.

Down to the point, as always my Terii :D
Feel like a little chit-chat over trivia (people write volumes of books, ah!) ? :)
Off me on the Skype waiting for you :) See you there, darling ;-)
You see. Next time, check twice before you drop a brick, mate :)
So, all in all Basia won through!
>Jezeli chcialas powiedziec - 'zostawcie w spokoju jezyk angielski' - to doskonale wiesz, gdzie sie pomylilas.

..the English that she speaks...

which does not detract from the fact that, scholarly as they may sound, some corrections of Barbara's writing would be in order, such as the spelling of "it's" and "everyday" in their respective contexts there.
>..the English that she speaks...

Come on, mg - we both know that's not the case. If only she had wanted to make her point clear, she would have written 'leave my English alone'.
>It's very common in spoken English.

But she wrote it.... ;-) !!! Just joking.
What in God's name is the point here - I'm obviously missing cannot, surely, be arguing about the way I write - Out of pure commoln courtesy...please would you explain what the fuss is about, because I'm begining to feel distinctly unwelcome....
>you cannot, surely, be arguing about the way I write ...

You're wrong... we are, and we often do that, not because it is you, it can be anyone me including ;-)
Some people just don't have anything better to do ;-)
Instead of having a third party debate ....why not ask me ...I would find it hard to conduct this exchange in Polish quite so easily, however my literary competence should be assured by the Polish genes I carry !??? I wanted to help in English in exchange for practising Polish. What have I done.....Lord only knows ! Perhaps it's a language thing !!!?
no worries. it's not your problem. some people just can't see beyond the rules they learned when on the int level. they don't accept the fact that grammar is choice and forms have meaning. and it's the speaker who knows what they mean and not the list of "uses" in Swan
Just don't get upset... You had a big entrance, your translation caused so lively activity on the forum... you should be proud ;-)
>What in God's name is the point here

You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not leave him unpunished who takes His name in vain.

It's a poor thing that you've used the name of the Lord so often in your posts. To me, a Roman-Catholic, this means your disrespect to all people beliving in God. I never use it unless praying and in church. Please try to use some other expressions to make your point.

Chcialbym, abys wyklarowala sytuacje z uzyciem 'I wouldn't have said so' oraz 'leave the English alone'. Oba wyrazenia wzbudzily we mnie zainteresowanie ich niepowtarzalnego uzycia.
wyjaśnij i wyjaśnij, taki dociekliwy, a wszystko na tacy ma być. sięgnij sobie do korpusu językowego i będziesz wiedział, że would have said jest poprawnie. A co to znaczy - wyłożył już mg
Engee30.... My abject apologies....there is no excuse for not taking other's views into true apologies for having caused any offence with regard to my taking the Lord God's name in will not happen again.

As for the rest of it.....I'm flattered....I hadn't thought of it in that way...but in all honesty...I didn't mean to cause a problem...I think you'll find that I'm considered well spoken. Nobody has ever pulled me up on my use of English fact my husband is still chuckling about it !

Barbara! Tylko błagam nie uciekaj z tego forum! Wywołałas tak ciekawą dyskusję.A przy okazji pewnie te nasze polskie kompleksy się odezwały.Bo przecież atak na Twój angielski trochę stąd wynika. To jest moja wyłącznie opinia i nie chodzi mi o wywołanie nowej burzy.A ja się bardzo cieszę,że pojawiłaś na forum,bo jest to świetna okazja spotkania z żywym angielskim.A powiedz ...your husband is chuckling-but over what?
Ciepłe pozdrowienia ze 'starego kraju'.
Barbara, you're a fine woman and that's why you're married, in a way :)
Husband discovered that beautiful soul in you and took you in to your heart, but other than that you simply cannot escape from this forum, as you're the second native on this forum speaking a "natural" language and we all would really benefit from your "knowing" what's good and what is not :)

I hope you hit it by off and against some time to prove others wrong and put on the stand, so that they would see how good you are :)

As for translations.. Well, I'm a quasi-translator, or should I say a would-be translator and I'm doing this kind of job for money, so I know how difficult it sometime it may be to find a good word, which I think would satisfy many, as a appropriate one. Don't worry then.

I would though like to pick your brain sometimes when translating into English and I hope you would give me a hand, if not, whisper sth snappy that would do :)

Welcome to our "verdant - look at the colour :) and sometimes full of nuts and bolts forum :) If I were you, I wouldn't give a toss about what people say, but I know how it's hard sometimes no to respond, but now and again don't take anything personally if you want to get by :) Hang in there!

>>>A przy okazji pewnie te 'nasze' (prosze tego nie uzywac, niektorzy z 'nas' ich nie maja) polskie kompleksy się odezwały. Bo przecież atak na Twój angielski trochę stąd wynika...
....Nie, nie, po pierwsze to nie byl zaden atak - atak, to jest cos, w ktorym niekiedy ja mialam przyjemnosc brac udzial. To byly prawie cotygodniowe igraszki - teraz nam tego brakuje.
Drugie, to niebyl atak na jez. ang. tylko na sam 'stance', ze bedac nativem wiem co pisze. Dobra intencja pomocy drugiemu czlowiekowi polega na tym, ze poprawiajac, i zwracajac uwage na bledy, inni na forum (bez zadnego pomp and circumstance) moga zobaczyc i potwierdzic nasz poziom jez. ang.
>Barbara! Tylko błagam nie uciekaj z tego forum!

I'm sure she's got a lot better ways to spend her time off this forum.
Roman Catholic wants out again, huh?
>Roman Catholic wants out again, huh?

I can't really see what you're driving at. Try to be more explicit next time.
just commenting on your Christian attitude to people, that's all.
Engee, fair enough. You wouldn't like to be the butt of jokes, would you ?. Grew up!
Your spiteful remarks don't make anyone good. Why are you mixing God's name with some exclamations that you probably use as well when in a furry or else ?
Will you swear by a God's name that it was never used by you - never ever? Think about that, cause you're missing the point here. It's just impossible that you didn't.
And that missing point is your back-to-back thinking, oh you mighty Engee, lol.
You're making a stooge of yourself and I can't stand it anymore.

You should definitely take some time to reflect on your words, maybe God doesn't like them as well. Maybe he doesn't like you being so self-centered and boastful.
If so, I would suggest changing the attitude towards people and start believing in them.
If not, sorry you will not ever come at problem and thrash it out somehow to find a solution. Instead, you could find that batting different ideas around , with kind words, would bring more fruits than ever. I didn't know that you're so riddled with venom, mate. Why's that ?
>I didn't know that you're so riddled with venom

What venom are you talking about?
>just commenting on your Christian attitude to people, that's all

What have I written that made you think it wasn't a good example of my Christian attitude towards people?
Ignore them - I think the same as you.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
31-60 z 118


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia

