Test z Angielskiego WAZNE ;D

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Test 1A


Napisz podane czasowniki w Present simple lub Present Continous
1 He can't talk to you right now. he........ (have) a bath.
2 I usually......... (have)lunch at about 2 o'clock.
3 Her parents ....... (not believe) in God
4 Tom is a well known author but he (not write) anytjing at the moment.
5 They don't want to help me now. They ........ (watch) TV


Uzupełniej następujące zdania czasownikami z ramki użyj czasu Present Perfect
[drink ,feed ,not clean ,lose]

1 There is no more juice left. Someone ................
2 The bathroom is still dirty. We ....................
3 She can't find her passport. I'm afraid she ..............
4 The cats are not hungry any more. I .................

C Uzupełnij tekst odpowiednimi przyimkami z ramki

[for ,at ,of ,in]

My brother Tom is very diffrent from me.
He lovs learning math and physics and I am very bad
(1) ......... them. I prefer studying English and French because
I think languages are necessary (2) ........ traveling. They are also
useful (3) .......... communicating on the Internet.
My brother doesn't study any foeign language because he says he is Tired
(4) ....... learning new words and grammar

D Napisz słowa umieszczone w ramce pod odpowiednim czasownikiem
[the housework ,plans ,a noise ,jogging ,a lot of exercise the beds]




E Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi słowami. Pierwsza litera każdego wyrazu została podana

1 Somebody who is satisfies or happy about something is p ..........
2 A house with only one storey is called a b........
3 Before we haVE A meal my children always help me and I ....... the Table
4 I keep all my clotches in this w .........
5 I'm sorry to hear that you didn't p........ your driving test
6 A person who is unhappy and thinks about the problems all the time i w ....

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