Prosba o sprawdzenie krotkiego tlumaczenia!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
CZy ktos bylby tak mily i moglby zerknac na to tlumaczenie? Są to napisy pod krótki filmik, potrzebny do promocji serii spotkan o internecie.. Dzieki wielkie!

"Mamma 2.0" talks about her user experience.

Experience is, for me, to discover..
and web is a source of inspiration.

When I try to write theatre play script for my job..
I dig, I observe, I look for inspiration.

I don't mean I copy but..
without web noting comes to my mind.
and newspapers are not friendly to me..


Hmm.. because it's a paper.

Lots of people would prefer contact with a paper..

I would, if it was a book. I trust books, but not newspapers..

People from the other side seem more authentic to me
They are not forced to say anything, they simply say what they think.

Do you often read users' comments?
Definitely, I do. Hard to say, if often.. it's relative.
Of course, not so often as young people do.

F.ex Before I go to the cinema I check how many stars and comments the movie has been given..

And do you trust them?

Not so blindly. First I analyse the message structure and the words the person used. It's very simple to realize age, sex, preferences of the person who posted the comment.



Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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