mam problem z tekstem

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam problem.. może znajdzie się ktoś kto przetłumaczy mi tekst fachowy...
opis sprzętu rolniczego...

The grain Pan:
The grain threshed out of the ears by the drum and concave, and the grain that comes from the straw walkers, falls on to the grain pan which is situated beneath the concave. This grain pan usually takes the from of a stepped plate occupying the full width of the cleaning unit and it also has a rearward shaking motion.
Whilst the grain falls through the concave and on to the pan there is also large quantity of trash that comes through with it. Chaff, short ends of straw, weed seeds, etc., all come through mixed with the grain. This trash must be separated from the grain, so from the grain pan tkis mixture of trash and grain passes through a cleaning unit.

the Cutter-bar:
The cutting mechanism on a combine harvester is the same as that on a binder, consisting of a finger bar and reciprocating knife. This method of cutting crops has been used for many years now and, provided that the mechanisms are properly maintained, it is satisfactory. The mower is another machine which employs this method. The knives used on combines and binders operate at a slower speed than the mower knife because the dry straw crop is easier to cut than a swath of grass. Furthermore, it is normal pratcice to use a serrated edged knife on machines cutting straw crops whilst the mower uses a smooth edged knife. Very often it is found necessary to use a smooth edged knife on a combine if there is a lot of green underfrowth to be cut, but it is better to avoid cutting this undergrowth if at all possible.

Figure 147 shows methods used to provide knife movement. The drive to the crank pulley is usually by a V-belt and his should be kept correctly tensioned to prevent any loss of knife speed.

The height of the cutter bar is adjustable vertically by machanical or hydraulic control and it is usually arranged so that the whole cutter bar bed reel rises and lowers as a complete unit.

Za wszelką pomoca wielki dzięki :) [email]
nie, tutaj mamy inne reguly. Ty sama najpierw probujesz, a pozniej ktos poprawia. Nie wierze, ze ani jednego slowa nie znasz po ang. a zabierasz sie za tlumaczenie tekstu ktory jest akurat napisany w jez. ang.
Tutaj trzeba byc na poziomie CPE albo native zeby to zrobic.