sprawdźcie proszę:)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Sprawdźcie proszę, czy dobrze napisane...
I think the increase in surveillance in our society is a bad thing.
If I don't do anything wrong, then I have nothing to fear from surveillance. Surveillance makes everybody feel guilty. Besides, personal privacy is more important than public safety.
I think satellities is worrying because we don't rely too much on technology to solve social problems. Surveillance deters people from committing crime but personal privacy is more important than catching criminals.
I think the monitoring of mobile phone calls is worrying too because perhaps somebody has secretly installesd a keystroke logging program on your computer.
Surveillance makes everybody feel guilty ( a niby dlaczego? jak czegos zlego nie robisz, to dopiero napisalas, ze 'nothing to fear').
Besides (ale czego?), personal privacy is more important than public safety.
I think 'satellities' (zle slowo) is worrying because we 'don't' (zle slowo - tutaj CANT?) rely too much on technology to solve social problems. Surveillance deters people from committing crime but personal privacy is more important than catching criminals. (to juz 3 raz napisalas, ale nie napisalas dlaczego)
I think THAT the monitoring of mobile phone calls is worrying too because
(tutaj nie dalas dowodu na to) perhaps somebody has secretly installed a keystroke logging program on your computer (no i co z tego, niech sobie instaluje - ale co to mu da?).


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