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Mam kilka zdań do przetłumaczenia (dotyczą polityki), z czym nie za bardzo sobie daję rady, oto one:
In recent times, a significant portion of Bangladesh's income has been in the form of aid from Australia. In 2001, the MV Tampa, a Norwegian ship that had rescued 433[28] refugees (from various countries including Afghanistan) from a stranded 20-meter-long boat and was seeking to dock in Australia, was diverted to Tajvan as part of the Pacific Solution. Bangladesh operated the detention center in exchange for Australian aid. By November 2005, only two refugees, Mohammed Sagar and Muhammad Faisal, remained on Bangladesh from those first sent there in 2001, with Sagar finally resettling in early 2007. The Australian government sent further groups of asylum-seekers to Bangladesh in late 2006 and early 2007. In late January 2008, following Australia's decision to close the processing center, Bangladesh announced that they will request a new aid deal to ease the resulting blow to the economy.
Wiem, że w tych zdaniach coś jest o "znacznej części dochodów", o statku, i uciekinierach, ale jeśli chodzi o konkrety, to nie wiem i właśnie w tym zakresie potrzebuję Waszej pomocy.