You probably know or guess the answer to all these questions no matter what country you live in. These things are all part of a global culture that exist in almost every country in the world.They are all part of globalisation, the process whereby large multinational companies, usually from America, build branches in every country. With the use of the Internet, the spred of English, and an increase in travel, the world is becoming a smaller place. Everybody wears the sae trainers, eats the same fast food, drinks the same drinks and watches the same programmes on television.May people are worried about this gloal culture of individual countrien, villages and towns.One of the heroes of the anti-globalisationmovement is the French sheep farmer Jose Bove, who makes Roquefort cheese.When the Americans increased the tax on cheese, he became so angry that he organised an attack on the local fast food.With a group of other farmers, he crashed into the restaurant with a bulldozer.He was arrested by the police.the protest, he explained, was about the quality of food.He believed that small, local farmers were suffering because of a few big companies.The attack was not just an attack on fast food restaurants- it was an attack on all multinationals, and the changes they has brought.Some people might see the global culture as a good thing. It brings people together, means we have cheap food, can travel anywhere and find somewhere to stay without any problems, and can buy something to eat easily.But the question is, will the world become less interesting when people all look the same and speak the same language?
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