Pilne, na teraz. Ogromna prozba. Kilka zdan o...

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Musze napisac kilka zdan na temat gestow, zwyaczajow w polsce.
Np. Ze faceci podaaj sobie rece. Ze rodzina caluje sie. Ze pary trzymaja sie za rece nie mam pojecia co jeszcze .
Wiem ze ma byc to w czasie Present simple i moge skorzystac z takich slowek: beckon-skinac, bow-sklonic sie, cross your legs, fold your arms, hold hands, hug, kiss, nod-potaknac, pat somebody on the back-poklepac kogos po plecahc, shake hands-uscisnac sobie rece, wave-pomacahc, wink-mrugnac.

Kto jest w stanie napisac mi kilka madrych zdan ktorych potem musze sie nauczyc ?
Nie mam pojecia jakie moge byc one w jezyku polskima co dopiero w ang.,
Prosze o pomoc
Napisałam. mogłby ktos zerkanac czy tpo jakos trzyma sie kupy ? czasy, koncowki bla bla ?
Relationships in Poland.
When two men meets, they shake their hands. It means that they feel respect. When some man meets(meets?) woman that he knows, he kisses her in cheek. If he don't know her, he just waves. When woman or man have birthday or name-day - we buy them a gift and kiss them(?). When we meet older people, we beckon and say "Good morning" or "Have a nice day".
when some boy like some girl, he wink from her time to time, and some time later they, as pair, are walking a lot holding his hands and hug (and kiss) as often as it possible. Often when women sit in a restaurant then she cross her legs. Children are sayes the reverence to themselves or hello. On Christmas Eve all family decorates christmas-tree and sing christmas songs.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie

