sprawdzenie pracy:)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. Władze oświatowe rozważają możliwość skrócenia letnich wakacji i wprowadzenia dodatkowej przerwy w nauce jesienią. Napisz rozprawkę rozważającą dobre i złe strony tego rozwiązania.

Holiday- the most awaiting period for every schoolgirl or schoolboy. It's a time in which students have a lot of time for repose. Lately it is said that it is necessary to make main holiday shorter and add a little free days in autumn schoolterm. Is it necessary to make a change in school year table??
Firstly, making bonus-free-days in autumn is good for pupil's brain. During small holiday, they could relax theirselves. Second adventage is that if students have shorter holiday, they forgot less. People have no such a ideal memorise to remember all the things which were studied 3 month ago. Finally, schoolboys and schoolgirls living in a countryside could help their parents in a work on a field for example picking up, without neglect school staff.
On the other hand, if someone wants to leave a country, and go abroad looking for a job it's harder to find one, because it is easier to find a job for period 3-4 months than 2 months. Second drawback is that if there are too many free days in a school term, pupil will have harder to focus on learning. Finally, summer is said to be the best time for vacances. Then it's hot and generally the weather is formidable. Autumn is a period of usually raingin and sad days.

Summing up, there are also adventages and disadventages of partly changing termin of holidays, but in my opinion it shouldn't be changed.

Proszę o poprawienie i obiektywną ocenę w skali maturalnej tej pracy:)
Holiday- the most 'awaiting' (zle slowo) period for every schoolgirl or schoolboy.
It's a time in which students have a lot of time for 'repose' (nie za bardzo trafne slowo). Lately it is said that it is necessary to make (tu cos brakuje)main holiday shorter and add a 'little' (zle slowo) free days in (tu cos brakuje) autumn schoolterm. Is it necessary to make a change in (tu cos brakuje) school year table??
Firstly, making bonus-free-days in autumn is good for 'pupil's brain' (nie za bardzo zrozumiale o co chodzi). During (tu cos brakuej) 'small' (nie za trafne slowo, tutaj 'short') holiday, they could relax 'theirselves' (zle slowo). Second 'adventage' (ortog) is that if students have shorter holiday, they
'forgot' (zle slowo) less.
People have 'no such a ideal' (tego nie rozumiem) (to cos brakuje) 'memorise' (zle slowo) to remember all the things which were studied 3 month ago. Finally, schoolboys and schoolgirls living in 'a' THE countryside could help their parents in 'a' (njiepotr) work on a field for example picking up, without 'neglect' (zle slowo) school 'staff' (zle slowo).
On the other hand, if someone wants to leave 'a' THE country, and go
abroad looking for a job it's harder to find one, because it is easier
to find a job for period 3-4 months than 2 months. (tu cos brakuje) second drawback is that if there are too many free days in a school term, 'pupil' (tu w l. mn) will 'have harder to focus' (cos tu nie tak) on learning. Finally, summer is said to be the best time for 'vacances' (co to za slowo?). Then it's hot and generally the weather is 'formidable' (slowo nie pasuje do reszty tekstu). Autumn is a period of usually 'raingin' (ortog) and sad days.
Summing up, there are 'also' (niepotr) 'adventages' (ortog) and 'disadventages' (ortog) of partly changing (tu cos brakuje) 'termin' (to jest polskie slowo) of holidays, but in my opinion 'it' (they- dlatego, ze holidayS to l. mn) shouldn't be changed.
Holiday- the most awaited period for every schoolgirl or schoolboy.
It's a time in which students have a lot of time for a rest. Lately it is said that it is necessary to make shorter main holiday and add some free days in autumn's schoolterm. Is it necessary to make a change in timetable of school year??
Firstly, making bonus-free-days in autumn is good for student's nind. During short holiday, they could relax themselves. Second advantage is that if students have shorter holiday, they
forget less.
People don't have such perfect memory to remember all the things which were studied 3 month ago. Finally, schoolboys and schoolgirls living in the countryside could help their parents in work on a field for example picking up, without failing in their's school duties.
On the other hand, if someone wants to leave the country, and go
abroad looking for a job it's harder to find one, because it is easier
to find a job for period 3-4 months than 2 months. Second drawback is that if there are too many free days in a school term, pupils can have a problem with concentation on learning. Finally, summer is said to be the best time for vacation. Then it's hot and generally the weather is wonderful. Autumn is a period of usually raining and sad days.
Summing up, there are advantages and disadvantages of a partial change in the term holidays, but in my opinion they shouldn't be changed.

...nie jeszcze nie...
znowu te przedimki - prosze naucz sie ich, bo bedziesz mial problemy do konca.

Lately it 'is' HAS BEEN said that it is necessary to make shorter THE main holiday and add some free days in THE autumn's schoolterm. Is it necessary to make a change in 'timetable of school year' (school timetable)??
Firstly, making bonus-free-days in (tu znowu cos brakuje) autumn is (tu znowu cos brakuje) good for student's nind.
During (tu cos brakuje) short holiday, they could relax themselves.
Finally, schoolboys and schoolgirls living in the countryside could help their parents in work on a field for example picking up, without failing in 'their's' THEIR school duties.
(tu znowu cos brakuje)Second drawback is that if there are too many free days in a school term, pupils can have a problem with concentation 'on' (zle slowo) learning.
Autumn is USUALLY a period of 'usually raining' RAIN and sad days.
Firstly, making bonus-free-days in (tu znowu cos brakuje) autumn is (tu znowu cos brakuje) good for student's mind.

wyżej chcialem napisac tak: po pierwsze, robienie wolnych dni(tych feri) w jesień jest dobre dla uczniów(bo odświeża ich umysl i mogą sobie odpocząć)

During (tu cos brakuje) short holiday, they could relax themselves.

wyżej: podczas tych krotkich feri mogą się zrelaksować

(tu znowu cos brakuje)Second drawback is that if there are too many free days in a school term, pupils can have a problem with concentation 'on' (zle slowo) learning.

wyżej: drugim minusem jest to że jeśli jest za dużo przerw w roku szkolnym, uczniowie nie mogą sie skoncentrować na nauce
nie, ja Ci tego po ang nie bede pisala. Ty sam pomysl co tam jest zle, i napisz nowe zdania. Dokladnie sama wiem co miales na mysli...ale tego nie napisales.
tylko ze juz napisalem tyle wersji;PP nie wiem czego wg Ciebie brakuje;>

Firstly, making bonus-free-days in the autumn is the best way for refresh student's mind.

During (tu cos brakuje) short holiday, they could relax themselves.
during this short holiday...??

The second drawback is that if there are too many free days in a school term, pupils can have a problem with concentation 'on' (to?) learning.

nie mam pojęcia co za miast tego on wstawić;> powiedz , bo strzelać nie bede:)

Dzieki za pomoc:))
to nie jest 'wg mnie' ale wg ang. gramatyki. Gdyby wszystko bylo ok, to nie zwracalabym uwagi.
>>>bo strzelać nie bede:) ...czy to mnie ma w jakis sposob zalezec, zeby bylo dobrze???
nie po prostu chodzilo mi o to ze szybciej będzie Tobie napisać ten jeden wyraz w zdaniu niz zebym jak w 5 postach dochodzil ktory to jest:)
Firstly, making bonus-free-days in the autumn is the best way 'for' TO
refresh A student's mind.
During THE/this short holiday, they could relax themselves.
The second drawback is that if there are too many free days in a
school term, pupils can have a problem with concentation 'on' (to?) WHILST
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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