hej, moim zadaniem było napisanie czegoś w rodzaju wspomnienia z wakacji. Napisałam fikcyjne (ponieważ takie tez mogło byc). Chodzi o to, ze robie straszne błędy w języku angielskim. Sprawdźcie prosze, czy nie tekst jest ok, bo ja nie mam do siebei zaufania. Możecie poprawiać też literówki. Z góry dzięki.
Dera Magda
I’m writing to you, because I spent wonderful Holiday in London. Every Day I visited another pout of London. On the first we arrived at a nice hotel with a swimming-pool and fitnessclub. After dinner I went for a walk. Of Course I did the shopping. Do you know how original clothes they have in England? Really first- rate. I bought beautiful jeans, t-shirt, hat, and handbag. All in bags I started my trip around London. I was tired and I saw just Big Ben. It looks really unearthly. All time I passed traditional British taxis, red telephone boxes and signs “underground”. Unfortunately I go lost. I asked for help and I came to hotel. In the Evning I went to bed and fell asleep inadiately. Next Day I moved again to London conquest. I walked along the Tamiza River and I admired Tower Bridge and London Eye. Unfortunately tickets were too expensive for me. At 15 o’clock I came and I cooked fish and chips. After I went with my sister to big shopcenter. In this day only she made shops. Next to I went to swimming- pool. 3. Day we booked taxi and went to Wembley. I was in famed O2 aren! I thought also of natural history museum this day, but I was too tired. So we departed in to Tower of London, Highgate and to Madame Tussauds museum. Last day we were in this natural history museum and after we rode about underground. Subsequently we arranged cruise to France. Exactly we too ate dinner in France, went to shop and sunburned on the beach. Of a morning we came to Poland. We flew out from Hearhrow and alighted Okencie. I must come witht me in next year!
Love Martyna