Proszę o tłumaczenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Piszę pracę licencjacką, ale sporo książek mam po angielsku. Niestety nie bardzo sobie z tym daję radę, więc proszę o pomoc w przetłumaczeniu fragmentu, który wydaje mi się, że będzie pomocny w pisaniu. Z góry dziękuję. Oto fragment:

A very striking result of Rousseau’s sensuous nature
was his view of woman and of the education proper
for them. For him, woman is never a spiritual being,
the equal of man in freedom, an end to herself, and
entering into sexual relations by free choice for cer-
tain ends, by her desired and approved.
Her education, therefore is merely the education of
her sexuality, and ought, on no account, to go beyond
this. Rousseau’ s conception of women is one that has
been only too common in France, as in all countries
where the Moslem pseudo-virtue of chivalry, or exter-
nal palaver in their presence, has taken the place of that
real virtue of inner gentlemanliness, which regards
women first as human beings, endowed with all human
attributes and rights, and afterwards as women, with
special duties and privileges. It is a conception which,
while pretending to elevate women into mistresses,
degrades them into slaves, and deprives them of that
dignity of freedom, which alone imparts value to life.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia