pyt. dot cv

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
hej mam znowu pytanie dot. pisania mojego cv po ang, prosze pomozcie:)

1. Nie wiem czy dobrze przetlumaczylam (tu chodzi o referencje)

1. Opinion of Mister xxx, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Estonia
2. Opinion of the Counsellor of Economic and Commercial Affairs in the Economic and Commercial Section of Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Estonia, Mister xxx

2. Jak najlepiej przetlumaczyc: Niepubliczny Zaklad Opieki Zdrowotnej

responsible for arranging meetings czy responsible for arrange meetings
(tu chodzi mi o to ze bylam odpowiedzialna za organizacje spotkan)

Z gory dzieki za pomoc:)
responsible for arranging meetings......

W pierwszym musimy znac cale zdanie, bo bez kontekstu to nietrudno o blad
1. Testimonial from Mr (nie: Mister)

2. np. Non-State Health Care Centre
1. you don't say: opinion of... on your resume! if you need to include references (i.e. you don't use the customary 'references available upon request'), you just provide the name and position of the person, name of the company, phone#, etc.

2. private clinic (unless you give the name of this institution, in english it will sound vague).

3. responsible for arranging meetings is ok. you could also say:
- arranged meetings and ... (space economy!!!)
1. References from Ambassador [...] Joe Blow

2. Unless I'm missing something here "niepubliczny" = "prywatny" so you'd say:

"a private healthcare facility"

3. arranging meetings
... you write the name of the person, etc, as the last point on your resume, under REFERENCES
Dzieki Wielkie:)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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