No moge napisac, ale jak ja cos napisze, to albo poziom nie ten, albo znow cos tam innego sie nie zgadza ;) Uh oh... no dobra :) Bedzie bajka o dziewczynce, zwierzatkach i pieknym ksieciu :D
A long time ago there was a young girl. She was very poor. Her name was Jane. She lived in a small village with her parents. Her parents did not have much money and she had to work all day. She was taking care of animals. She had cows, pigs, ducks and chickens. She was getting up very early each day to give food to the animals. one day she went to the forest. She found a very hungry bird. She gave some bread to the bird and the bird said: "You gave me food when I needed it. I'll remember you". Next day she went to the town. On her way she found a rabbit with a broken leg. She helped the rabbit and the rabbit said: "You are very good, I'll remember you". At night a wolf came to the village. The people were scared and wanted to kill the wolf, but Jane didn't let them. The wolf said to Jane: "You saved my life, I'll remember you". one day Jane woke up earlier than usual. She heard a strange noise. She opened the window and saw many knights fighting. There was one very handsome knight among them. Jane wanted to help him, but she didn't know how. Suddenly she saw many birds. There were so many birds, that it became dark and the knights couldn't see anything. Then there came many rabbits. They were biting the knights and the knights got scared. And then there came many wolves. The horses of the knights got scared of the wolves. And the knights had to run away. The handsome knight stayed. He thanked Jane and the animals for their help. It turned out that he was a prince. He asked Jane to marry him. Then he became a king, and Jane became a queen.
Hehe =)
Daj znac czy dobry poziom? Nie za trudne, nie za proste? I czy sie podoba, bo jakies malo inteligentne mi wyszlo-sorry :)) W razie czego rzuc jakis pomysl-o czym ma byc bajka, to postaram sie napisac cos sensowniejszego ;)