Przeczytaj i oceń!!!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hello! Moglibyscie prezeczytac i ewentualnie poprawic jakies niedociagniecia? Z gory thnx :*

"Imagine that you are a designerof a building of your dreams. Describe this building of yours."

The building of my dreams is located in New York, USA. It's the highest skycraper in the world. It has 150 storeys. Inside, there are shops, restaurants, discos and over 100 lifts, because nobody wants to go by stairs.
There are habitable rooms on the last floor. They are lived by me and my family. The view of my room's window is really beautifull!
A swimming pool is located on first floor. It has a lot of rides too! I love swimming there with my friends.
The outside of my building id covered in glass. There are a lot of balconies too!
I would have much fun, if I had this building. My friends will be in my house all the time, and the partys will be amazing!

I co sadzicie?
There are dwelling suites on the lst floor. In one of them I live with my family. The view from the window in my room..

Moze: There is a host of various fun-rides and slides in the pool room.

My friends would be staying with me all the time, and the parties would be amazing.
covered +with+ glass, albo nawet: all glass-covered.

..balconies*,* too.
Czyli mam rozumiec, ze gramma jest spoko? :)
przed USA powinno być the
zamiast house - suite
i przed first albo last floor (nie pamiętam) powinno byc również the
Co o tym myśli Sobar?
"house" nie wystepowalo.

Przed USA we frazie okolicznikowej " New York, USA", nie uzywa sie "the".

*the* first floor -- tak samo zreszta kazde inne. Cholera, znow przegapilem :( Dzieki, Becky.
W duzej mierze :)

Wlasciwie tylko to zdanie: "They are lived by me and my family." bylo dosc niefortunne. "Live", w znaczeniu mieszkac, wystepuje w stronie biernej niezby czesto, raczej w tekstach formalnych, ogloszeniach, historycznych. Wtedy tez zas: "..lived *in* by..".

Drugi zauwazalny blad gram., polega na uzyciu "will", podczas gdy wczesniej zastosowany okres warunkowy (poprzedzajace zdanie) wyznacza hipotetycznosc calej sytuacji, i tym samym wymusza konsekwentne uzycie "would".
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.