Prosze sprawdzcie moje wypociny :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Interest and spending on health was rising in last years. In many developed countries increased availability of basic health care and consumers are better informed, more aware of medical malpractice. In the future public and private health insurance will probably offer broader services including information and advice, help in choosing the best hospital services, telemedicine, telesurgery, home care and sensor devices. This is possible, but neither public nor private insurance haven’t offered so comprehensive health service yet. To achieve this challenges the both sector should cooperate. No one can’t be excluded from essential health care. People should can choose their insurance adequate to their needs and lifestyle. The financing of universal health cover have to be remain public, but managing should be in private sector, which will give people complex services. Competition will be based on quality, no longer on prices. Health should be a part of our life.
Sporo do poprawiania, może nie wszystko się uda tak na raz...

Recent years interest and expenses on health are rising. (w 'spending' chodziło o money ?)

Availability of basic health care have increased in developed countries, consumers are better informed and more aware of medical malpractice. (trzeba zacząć od podmiotu, a nie od czasownika)

In the future, ... (przecinek, ale dość istotny)

... but neither public nor private insurance HAVE ... (neither/nor już jest przeczeniem)

... the both sector ... -> both sectors

No one can't -> No one can (już mamy przeczenie)

People should can choose - tu jest kilka możliwości, np.
People should choose
People should be able to choose

universal - nie bardzo rozumiem
health cover - też nie rozumiem

have to be remain public -> have to remain public
Dzięki wielkie za sprawdzenie. Duzo sie mozna nauczyc jak sie widzi swoje bledy :)
"universal health cover" - to jest zwrot zaczerpniety z pewnego artykułu i znaczy wg mnie uniwersalne (standardowe) ubezpieczenie zdrowotne


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