Prosze o sprawdzenie!!

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Prosze o sprawdzenie mi tego pod wzgledem gramatycznym, literowki nie sa wazne, bardzo prosze!!!! to dla mnie istotne

There are many stories which I enjoyed. They have always a deeper massage which shows you the other inner meaning. I think that the reader can increase his or her self-rating when they can find it. I personally feel like a discoverer. Analysing stories can be fun but it needs a lot of patience and faith in fotune.

One of the stories which called my attention was 'The Moustache' written by Robert Cormier. This title may suggest that it is about the barber and his clients or something similar. On the contrary, that is not such trivial topic. It is a story about the boy named Mike. He lives an ordinary life, with a normal family. His grandmather is in a nursing home. Mike visites her from time to time. In this nursing home there is a central conflict of the story. This adolescent, as many young boys' has got a moustache. He refuses shaving it, even though his mother asks him to do this. When Mike visits his granny she recognized him as her dead husband. She tells him everything that she has been hiding through all of this time. Grandchild's moustache was a kind of stimulus. This let the old lady open her mind and say things which Mike would not like to hear. The conflict which occurs in the boy's mind can be the main theme of the story. He has to choose. There is no good solution. No matter what he will do it will have many drawbacks. Finally he he makes a decision to pretend that he is her husband. That situation shows us that we do not know what to do in many usual situations. There will come situation in our persolan life when we will not be ceartin how to behave. That is a kind of riddle without a good solution.

In the story there are other themes. One of them is a conflict between Mike and his mother about a moustache. She asks him many times to shave this first sight of adulthood but he always refuses. This seems to be very trivial but almost every teenager argues with his or her parents about something. I personally often have such problems. That is normal because we are different. Every generation has its time they will not understand the needs of the youth. Mike wanted to highlight his independence which is very important to the boy in that age. He is not going to do what his mother tells him to. That is an old truth that an experience person is more likely to be right and we should keep it in mind.

The most interesting theme which I found in 'The Moustache' was conflict between Mike's grandmother and her past. She is very old woman and propably very sick, maybe lunatic. She has been living through all of this time with a burden of not solving all of her problems. Even though she is very ill, she can remeber everything from her past. The old lady tells her grandson about whole situation which hapened many years ago. This is inside her mind and she will not be able to able to die without putting everything on the right place. I think that it could be also the main theme of the story. That can be a short lesson for everyone. Everything you must do, you better do now, because tomorrow it may be too late. Mike's latter behaviour shows that all makes sense. He is not going to argue with his mother any more. He understood the moral. We have to always remember that nothin lasts forever.

I personally enjoyed this story because it shows many ideas and values expressed by the author. The writer taught us many important things which we can use in our personal life. It is said that beeing a human is difficult but we can learn many things from people who are much more experienced than we are. They can give us a tip how to live my life easier.