Tu jest kontekst chodzi mi tylko o to slowko metal file, ktore zaznaczylem w cudzyslowie zeby bylo latwiej znalezc.
Czytam sobie ciekawe rzeczy i mam problem bo nie znam w ogole takiego slownictwa(elektrycznego, chemicznego). To musi byc cos latwo dostepnego chyba bo to taka strona o nauce roznych rzeczy dla all.
Z góry dzieki !.
A (Slightly) More Elaborate Radio
If you want to get a little more elaborate, use a "metal file" and two pieces of wire. Connect the handle of the file to one terminal of your 9-volt battery. Connect the other piece of wire to the other terminal, and run the free end of the wire up and down the file. If you do this in the dark, you will be able to see very small 9-volt sparks running along the file as the tip of the wire connects and disconnects with the file's ridges. Hold the file near an AM radio and you will hear a lot of static.