I think that exams have the
>pros and cons.
zmienilaby to zdanie --> there are positive and negative aspects of exams (and I would like to discuss them)
'dark side' - nie pisalabym, kojarzy sie z czyms nielegalnym, mrocznym itp (chyba ze tylko mnie ???:)
mozna tu pisac 'on the pros / cons side' - czyli 'do pozytywow/negatywow mozna zaliczyc ...'
>We know that strees has very unpleasant symphtoms and may be
>dangerous for us
We are all aware of those unpleasant, even dangerous, symptoms of stress , namely : ... (i tu mozesz cos wymienic)
>People who suffer from stress freqently often suffer
>from hearts disease.
albo 'frequently', albo 'often'
heart diseaseS ('s' wpisalas w zyłm miejscu)
>We can't avoid stressful situations WHILE / WHICH DEFINITELY IS sitting the
>exam. ('przystepujac do egzaminu' nie jestem pewna czy dobrze
>napisalam) - dobrze napisalas (odn. sit the exam)
>But on the other hand if an education system would be
>without exams, students may not learn hard enough.
NApisałabym : 'Exam-free education system may produce students that are unwilling to learn' (moze ktos ma inny pomysl na to zdanie???)
....tu musze konczyc ..:))
>-they suffer from various diseases due to restricted access to
>hospitals - to wg mnie OK