czy to dobrze, czy nie dobrze:)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
When this goods will be accessible(dostępne?)? I want to mention that this items are requaired urgently, of course. Would you be so kind and send me this informations as soon as possible.
When this goods will be available? I want to mention(troszke to głupio brzmi) that this items are required urgently. (...)
When will the goods be available? I must mention that these items are required urgently, of course. Would you be so kind as to send me the information ASAP
Wyrzuc to "of course" bo to jak piate kolo u wozu w tym zdaniu.
Polacy maja tendencje do naduzywania "of course" w j. angielskim co czasami bywa uwazane za bardzo niegrzeczne.