PILNE!!Do wszystkich ZYCZLIWYCH:)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bylabym bardzo wdzieczna,gdyby znalazl sie ktos kto zechcialby wprowadzic poprawki do ponizszego tekstu..
Z gory wielkie dzieki

Hi Iwo,

Thank you for your mail.

Please don`t be angry if sometimes I will be correct yours mail.

should be: Today Aneta said me that Kasia will be come to Poland in October J.Is it truth ?)

seed znaczy miedzy innymi sadzonka,nasienie

I am sure that my English is not perfect yet, but to be frank the more important is to use this language as often as possible J

It is truth. We spoke Sunday on the telephone with Aneta. Most probably I will back to Poland end of October (29th)

Admittedly everything can to change jet! I will be great to see you as soon as possible and speak with you long time about a lot of thing.

See down(this is some task for you:)

I was thinking about this the other day and I thought, wait a minute; someone at work might like this and may not of heard of it.
Hi Iwo,

Thank you for your mail.

Please don`t be angry if I sometimes correct yours mails.

it should be: Today Aneta told me that Kasia would come to Poland in October J. Is it truth ?)

seed znaczy miedzy innymi sadzonka,nasienie

I am sure that my English is not perfect yet but, to be frank, it is very important to use this language as often as possible J

It is truth. On Sunday we spoke with Aneta on the telephone. Most probably I will come back to Poland in the end of October (29th)

Admittedly, everything can change yet! It'd be great see you as soon as possible and speak with you for a long time about a lot of things.

See down(this is some task for you:)

I was thinking about this the other day and I thought, wait a minute; someone at work might like this and may not of heard of it.
>See down(this is some task for you:)

>I was thinking about this the other day and I thought, wait a minute; >someone at work might like this and may not of heard of it.

I was thinking about this the other day and I thought, wait a minute, someone at work might like this and may not have heard of it.
Igor,thanks a lot for your help


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