Proszę o sprawdzenie

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Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie tekstu. Potrzebuję go dzisiaj na popołudnie (musze donieść do szkoły inaczej 1). Oto on:

I always have been courage. I can skiing and skating. I love go on the bicykle's trip and I often go to moutains witch my friends. I like flying by plane and I never feel fear. My parents and friends say that I' m very courage person. I thought that I can be in future pilot or mountineer. On my last holiday I was in Mallorca island. Turists used numerously atractions. One of them was flying by baloons. I beged my parents but they didn't allowed me. After several minutes i got allowed. All night long I didn't can stop thought about next day. Early morning my parents and I went on airport. The baloones were great! The instructor informed us about the fly and we got on the baloon. J got on first and I waited for pilot. Suddenly the wind was getting stronger and ballon was hovering up. The earth was going away. I didn't can remember anything. I had empty in my head. I saw my terrified parents. Suddenly the baloon was getting down. After several minuter I was on earth. The baloon was controling fron airport! Since then I have been afraid of heights!
I have always been courageous. I can skiing and skating. I love bicykle's trips and I often go to the moutains with my friends.
like flying by plane and I never feel fear. My parents and friends say that I' m very courageous person. I think that I can be a pilot or a mountiner in the future. On my last holiday I was in Mallorca (?) island. Turists enjoyed themselves by using numerous atractions. One of them was flying by baloons.
I was begging my parents but they didn't let me fly. After several minutes they changed their mind. All night long I couldn't stop thinking about the next day. Early morning my parents and I went to the airport. The baloones were great! The instructor informed us about the fly and we got in the baloon. I got in the first and I waited for a pilot.
Suddenly the wind was getting stronger and stronger. The ballon was hovering up. The earth was going away. I couldn't remember anything. I had empty in my head. I saw my terrified parents. Suddenly the baloon was getting down. After several minute I was on the earth. The baloon was controling by airport! Since then I have been afraid of height!
I can SKI and SKATE.
I love BICYCLE TRIPS (bez apostrofu)!
I'm A very courageous person
ON Mallorca Island
FLEW IN a balloon / in balloons/

Turists enjoyed themselves by using numerous atractions - dziwnie brzmi???
I begged my parents ...

>Early morning my parents and I went to
>the airport.
My parents and I went to the airport FIRST THING IN THE MORNING.
We got INTO the balloon (podwojne 'l')

> (.....) and we got in the baloon. I got in the first and I waited for
>a pilot.

te zdania najlepiej połączyć tak:

I was first to get into the balloon and then I had to wait for the ...
>Suddenly the wind was getting stronger and stronger - skoro suddenly to nie bardzo pasuje z 'getting stronger and stronger' bo to wymaga czasu.

Moze ; Suddenly the wind changed and now it was getting stonger and stronger.

>I had empty in my head

no tu na pewno nie.

'My mind went blank'

pozostale zdania w tej części również do poprawy - ale nie mam juz czasu.

do L - nie poprawiaj!!!
nawzajem, skoro nie masz czasu, to tez nie poprawiaj...
ale jesteś lojdem, nie znasz sie i poprawiasz :| i robisz chyba wieksze bledy niz pierwotny autor(ka)
naprawde, ludzie bywaja bezczelni......
naprawde wieksze? wice, ze niektorych nie stac na obiektywizm, w mysl zasady: ah jaki to ja jestem madry/madra, pytanie na wage zlota, czy w moim wpise pojawilo sie stwierdzenie: moje tlumaczenie jest na 100% dobre, jesli osoba, ktora to napisala chce skorzystac, to prosze bardzo, jesli nie, nie widze przeszkod.
Do L.:
w Twoich poprawkach jest naprawde duzo bledow. Nie wyłapujesz wielu błędów oryginału i jeszcze dodajesz swoje. Bardziej szkodzisz, niż pomagasz.
skoro Ty tak mowisz, to pokornie przyznaje sie do bledu i obiecuje sie poprawic i wiecej nie grzeszyc
Do Ł

bez urazy, ale gdybym nie była pewna tego co piszę i gdybym czuła, ze jeszcze nie znam ang na tyle dobrze, zeby brać się za poprawianie innych prac, na pewno bym nic nie pisała na tym forum.

I tak sprawdzam wiele rzeczy, zanim je tu wpisze, przede wszystkim dlatego, zeby NA PEWNO były dobrze, więc żeby komuś przez niedopatrzenie nie zaszkodzić.

Niektóre Twoje błedy były naprawdę poważne, byc może nie zdajesz sobie z tego sprawy.

Jak mam czas, to pomagam, jak go nie mam to mnie nie ma na tym forum (ostatnio i tak jestem rzadziej)

tyle ode mnie
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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