Present Simple, Present Continuos, zadania

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
A) These days ,it seems everything <is changing>(change). Cities <are becoming>(become) bigger and busier every year, technology <is developing>(develop) faster than ever before, and scientists <are learning>(Learn) more about the way things work.
B) Water <boils>(boil) at 100 C and <freezes>(freeze) when the temperature <drops>(drop) below 0 C. Salt water <is> (be) diffrent, however.
C) This film <is>(be) great! It <has>(have) an all-star cast and the script <is>(be) very funny. The action <begins>(begin) when two young men <tries>(try) to rob a bank.
D) Rogers <kicks>(kick) the ball and <passes>(pass)it to Jones. Jones <runs>(run) down the pitch. He <passes>(pass) the ball to Smith who <shoots>(shoot) and <scores>(score)!
Michael McIntosh <is>(be) a very busy man. Every morning, he <leaves>(leave) home at 8 o'clock and <goes>(go) to his office. He <usually has>(usually have) meetings until lunchtime and in the afternoon he <often visits>(often visit) the people of Madewelt. He really <enjoys>(enjoy) talking to people. At the moment he and his team <is organising>(organise) his election campaign. There are elections in June and he <hopes>(hope) to persuade lots of people to vote for him. Next month he <is going>(go) to London to meet the Prime Minister. They <have>(have) a meeting to discuss future plans for Madewell.
Michael McIntosh <is>(be) a very busy man. Every morning, he <leaves>(leave) home at 8 o'clock and <goes>(go) to his office. He <usually has>(usually have) meetings until lunchtime and in the afternoon he <often visits>(often visit) the people of Madewelt. He really <enjoys>(enjoy) talking to people. At the moment he and his team <is organising>(organise) his election campaign. There are elections in June and he <hopes>(hope) to persuade lots of people to vote for him. Next month he <is going>(go) to London to meet the Prime Minister. They <have>(have) a meeting to discuss future plans for Madewell.
two young men - liczba mnoga, nie?
tu pasuja oba czasy
Pres Cont = filma zaczyna sie w srodku napadu
simple pres = na poczatku filmu oni organizuja napad od zera.

are organising - masz tam zlozony podmiot

1)A:Are you doing anything tomorrow evening?
B:Yes, I<am seeing>(see)Jack at nine o'clock
2)A:I <see>(see) you're feeling better.
B:Yes, I am, thank you.
3)What's that noise?
B:The people next door <are having>(have) a party.
4) A:Graham <has>(have) a new computer.
B: I know. I've already seen it.
5) A: This dress <doesn't fit>(not/fit) me any more.
B: Why don't you buy a new one?
6) A: Your perfume <smells>(smell) nice. What's it?
B: It's a new perfume called Sunshine.
7) A: What is Jane doing?
B: She <is smelling>(smell) the flowers in the garden.
8) A: What <are you looking>(you/look)at?
B:Some photos I look during my holidays. They aren't very good, though.
9) A: You <look>(look) very pretty today.
B: Thank you, I've just had my my hair cut.
10) A: I <think>(think) we're being followed.
B: Don't be silly! It's just your imagination.
11) A: Is anything wrong?
B: No, I <am just thinking>(just/think) about the party tonight.
12) A: This labric <feels>(feel) like silk.
B: It is silk and it was very expensive.
13) A: What are you doing?
B: I<am feeling> (feel) the radiator to see if it's getting warm.
14) A: She <is>(be) generous, isnt she?
B: Yes, she has never been a mean person.
15) A: He <is>(be) very quiet today., isn't he?
B: Yes, I think he has some problems.
16) A: Would you like some cherries?
B: Yes, please. I <loves>(love) cherries. They're my favourite fruit.
17)A: I'm sorry, but I <don't understand >(not/understand) what you mean.
B: Shall I explain it again?
18) A: The children are making lots of noise today.
B: I know, but they <have>(have) fun.
19) A: This cake <tastes>(taste) awful.
B: I think I forgot to put the sugar in it!
Poprzednie rady nie spodobały się? Nie dziękujesz?
Ależ oczywiście, że serdecznie dziękuję. I proszę o dalszą pomoc ;))
18 jest źle - wszystko dzieje się teraz, pra?
Tak ;)
Tak ;)
Aaaa i wielkie dzięki ;DD
w 15. dałbym "...IS BEING..."
tak, moze być.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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