I'm finished

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
can I say "I'm finished" when I have finished doing sth, and, for instance, sb is waiting to use the device I've been using
tak, ale lepiej ...'I 'have' finished', alebo 'I've finished'
dzieki, ale na pewno jest coś takiego 'I'm finished'?
yes, yes it is possible to use it but more in spoken English and everyday English
Cytat: Eva79
yes, yes it is possible to use it but more in spoken English and everyday English

a gdzie ty to znalazlas?.
We use it all the time, terri. Również I'm done. W pytaniach też: Are you finished? Are you done?

It's very casual though.
edytowany przez eva74: 09 paź 2010
Cytat: eva74
We use it all the time, terri. Również I'm done. W pytaniach też: Are you finished? Are you done?
It's very casual though.

zgadzam sie z tym, ale dla mnie to nie jest jezyk, ktory powinnismy uzywac w pracy....'somebody is waiting to use the device I've been using'.
Cytat: eva74
We use it all the time, terri. Również I'm done. W pytaniach też: Are you finished? Are you done?

It's very casual though.

a mogę spytać gdzie tego się używa? mieszkasz w UK czy w stanach?
I'm finished......Jestem skonczony. Koniec ze mna.
I've finished - skonczylem to co robilem.
Terri, a
I'm finished with these files brzmi dla Ciebie naturalnie?
Cytat: paulo84
can I say "I'm finished" when I have finished doing sth,...

The subject is discussed on the bbc english page. It may be of interest to you.
I'm finished with these files brzmi dla Ciebie naturalnie?
nie za bardzo...ale poszukam cos wiecej o tym
here we are


and even longman reads

1 [not before noun] no longer doing, dealing with, or using something [= done]:
I'm almost finished.
finished with
Are you finished with my tools yet?
2 [only before noun] fully and properly made or completed:
It took a long time to do, but the finished product was worth it.
finished article British English
The painting began to look like the finished article.
3 [not before noun] no longer successful, effective, or able to continue:
If the bank refuses to increase our loan, we're finished!
I'm almost finished. -ok ...
Are you finished with my tools yet?...nie rozumiem ja to zdanie laczy sie z naszym tematem, tego inaczej nie za bardzo mozna powiedziec.
I the bank refuses to increase our loan, we're finished!...i sam cytujesz to o czym ja pisalam. We've finished...
znalazlam cos na bbc. Nie za bardzo chodzi o temat, ale mozna uslyszec wymowe natiwow.
Are you finished with my tools yet?...chociaz teraz myslac o tym, ja bym powiedziala 'have you'...
Cytat: terri
I'm almost finished. -ok ...
Are you finished with my tools yet?...nie rozumiem ja to zdanie laczy sie z naszym tematem, tego inaczej nie za bardzo mozna powiedziec.
I the bank refuses to increase our loan, we're finished!...i sam cytujesz to o czym ja pisalam. We've finished...

no i bomba ze o tym pisałaś bo mamy teraz cały rysunek
Cytat: terri
znalazlam cos na bbc. Nie za bardzo chodzi o temat, ale mozna uslyszec wymowe natiwow.

Mialem na mysli:
Chociaz moze to jest to samo co na stronach tu wspomnianych.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 09 paź 2010
Quoting bbc.co.uk

See what you think:

Mum to kid eating - Have you finished?
Teacher to student - Have you finished?

Some people would argue that using the present perfect tense and forming the question ‘Have you finished?’ seems to politely give the possibility of more time to finish, whereas 'Are you finished?’ lets the person know they are nearly out of time and no more is available.
Well, personally, I think tone of voice is the all important aspect here. You can express impatience or politeness just from the manner in which you say either of these questions:

Have you finished? Are you finished? (that was my impatient voice)
Have you finished? Are you finished? (that was my polite voice)

Well I hope you could hear the differences there and that you are successful sounding polite or impatient depending on the situation that you’re in!
Source: bbc.co.uk

So it all depends on whether you want to be polite or whether you want to emphasize the fact that time has run out.

legendarny film i scena:
1:54 are you finished mr slade?
4:14 I'm not finished

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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