Sprawdzenie zdań w stronie biernej

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy ktoś może mi spr. zdania w stronie biernej?
Strona czynna
1. we will inform you tomorrow.
2. the children broke the vase while they were plaing
3. The architect has already drawn up the plans fot the new office
4. Three masked men robbed the bank
5. You must send all the documents by tonight
6. The company will pay for the damege
7. Brenda will give Barbara the report tonight
8. The bought him everything he had asked for.

Strona bierna
1, You will be informed tommorow
2. The vase was broken by children while they were being played
3. The plans fot the new office have been already drawn by the architect
4. The bank was robbed by three masked men
5. the documents must be sent tonight
6. the damage will be paid by the company
7. the reports will be given by Brenda tonight
8. Everyting had bought by them
Proszę o poprawki :)
1, You will be informed tommorow.
2. The vase was broken by {the} children while they were {playing}.
3. The plans {for} the new office have already {been} drawn by the architect.
4. The bank was robbed by three masked men.
5. {All} the documents must be sent {by} tonight.
6. The damage will be paid {for} by the company.
7. The report will be given {to Barbara} by Brenda tonight.
8. {Everything he} had {asked for was} bought {for him by them}.
1. tomorrow


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