Witam, proszę o sprawdzenie.
Przebywasz na obozie sportowym. Napisz pocztówkę do znajomego w Anglii.
Poinformuj go, gdzie spędzasz wakacje.
Podaj powód, dla którego zdecydowałeś się wziąć udział w tym obozie.
Napisz, w jakich zajęciach sportowych bierzesz udział.
Hi, Marry!
I'm writting to you because I would like to tell you that I'm at sport camp in Poznań.
I have never been at such a camp. I decided on this camp because I very like a sport. I'm very lucky that I'm here. Here Is a many friendly people and I have met a handsome boy.
Every day we do a lot of exercise, for example: we run, swim and play basketball. My fevorite sport is running. i think that I'm very good at this.
If you were ever in the sport camp?
I hope that we will go together next year. I must finish my letter because I'm very tired.
See you soon!