Email do koleżanki z konkretnymi wyrażeniami.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam miałam napisać email do koleżanki z wyrażeniami:
-these days,
-at this time last,
-I think, I will,
- next,
-used to,
-I'm going to.
Dopiero zaczynam się uczyć angielskiego dlatego proszę o sprawdzenie moich wypocin;) Oto one:
Hi Nicole!
How are you? It’s a week since I last talked to you. I’m really excited! I’m going to visit Spain this summer. Now, I am good at Spanish but I used to be very bad at it. At this time last year I was at my grandparents house! I need a holiday!!! Recently I have been feeling really tired. I often think about the rest. Why don’t you come with me? Are you going to be free at the beginning of July?
Next weekend I’m going to buy new car because my old car is broken.
I am very busy these days! While my son playing football he was broke his leg. Now I have to help him with everything.
So that my news. I think, I will phone you soon.
Email me and tell me what you think about holiday!!
Lots of love
Cytat: olivier0505
Witam miałam napisać email do koleżanki z wyrażeniami:
How are you? It’s a week since I last talked to you. I’m really excited! I’m going to visit Spain this summer. I am good at Spanish NOW but I used to be very bad at it. At this time last year I was at my grandparentsAPOSTROF house! I need a holiday!!! Recently I have been feeling really tired. I often think about the rest O RESZCIE?. Why don’t you come with me? Are you going to be free at the beginning of July?
Next weekend I’m going to buy PRZDIMEK new car because my old car is broken.
I am very busy these days! While my son BRAK SLOWA playing football he was O, ZNALAZLO SIE, ALE NIE W TYM MIEJSCU broke his leg. Now I have to help him with everything.
So that BRAK CZASOWNIKA my news. I think, BEZ TEGO PRZECINKA I will phone you soon.
Email me and tell me what you think about MY holiday PLANS!!
Lots of love
Dziękuje za pomoc. W zdaniu: I often think about the rest Chodziło mi o słowo odpoczynek i takie tłumaczenie miałam w słowniku. W takim razie jakiego slowa użyć aby było poprawnie? pozdrawiam
Czy tu chodzi o to, że niepotrzebnie dodałam "the" przed słowem rest?
the rest = reszta
I often think about taking a rest
Aha dziękuje za pomoc. Pozdrawiam serdecznie
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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