Bal z okazji zakończenia nauki

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

W czasie pobytu w USA brałeś/brałaś udział w balu z okazji zakończenia nauki w liceum.
- opowiedz o przygotowaniu do balu
- opisz swój strój na bal
- opisz przebieg balu

I was in Usa lat month and I was on the ball. For this occasion many young people was going to the store and search a dress. I had to prepare appropriately for this occasion, so I went to the store to buy a pretty dress and accessories.
I bought a lovely dress in red and gold accessories. The ball last till the morning and was very good.
I danced with my partner for the morning. It was wonderfull! I'm glad that I was in this ball.
I was in the USA lat last month and I was on the ball. went to a prom there.

For this occasion many young people women was going to the store and search a dress. go shopping to look for a perfect dress.

I had to prepare appropriately for this occasion, so I went to the a store to buy a pretty dress and accessories.

The ball last prom lasted till the morning and was very good.

I danced with my partner for the morning. all night.

It was wonderfull! wonderful!

I'm glad that I was in this ball. went to this prom.
edytowany przez eva74: 15 kwi 2011
...and IT was very good. /?/
Sure, why not :)