pomozcie please

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
w luki trzeba wstawic odpowiedznie slowko lub wyrazenie

1. A ……….. is a building with a large sails or similar parts which are turned round by the wind, and which may be used, for example, for crushing grain.
2. Many people remember what happened at Chernobyl, and they worry about the risks associated with…....... ……….
3. Distributing condoms among teenagers in order to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) is a very …………issue.
4. The words illness and ……….are often used interchangeably. However, an illness is simply a state of feeling unwell. A ……………….can be caught and passed on if it is infectious.
5. On the other, the term ………… is used to refer to a malfunctioning of a part of the body or mind, such as for example, anorexia.
6. Kathy loves the environment and is very involved in Greenpeace. She actively …………. in all demonstrations and fund-raising campaigns.
7. Yet again my professor wrote on my paper: ‘Well written, though your analysis is ………… and needs more in-deph examination’.
8. Manu people have lost their homes as area was ………….. due to last week’s heavy rainfalls.
9. Through ………….., the large-scale cutting down of trees, the ecosystems that allow species to survive are changed and the amount of land available for wildlife decreases.

Z gory wielkie dzieki za pomoc, pozdrawiam. pa
1. windmill
2. side effects
3. controversial
4. disease
5. disorder???
6. takes part
7. superficial
8. flooded
9. ?
w ostatnim moze 'through decades' (tylko potem przecinek?)


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