Proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam :) Mam za zadanie napisać zdania w odpowiednich czasach i moja prośba czy mógłby ktoś to sprawdzić czy dobrze to zrobiłam. Zdania były następujące :
1. I ... (have) this job since I left the university.
2. I am writing..... (enquire) about job opportunities in your company.
3. He only bought the franchise after he .... (do) extensive market research.
4. While I ... (try) to write the letter, people kept interrupting me.
5. I would take out a loan if the interest rates ... (not be) so high.
6. They... (should hold) the conference in Shanghai, but they didn't.
7. Their new face cream... (launch) just a couple of months ago.
8. Next week, the boss ... (travel) to India to see the company's latest call centre.
9. Pete ...(invest) in potato business since 1990.
10. We have to avoid .. ( lose) market share to our competitors.
Zrobiłam je następująco :
1. I have had this job since I left the university.
2. I am writing to enquire about job opportunities in your company.
3. He only bought the franchise after he does extensive market research.
4. While I was trying to write the letter, people kept interrupting me.
5. I would take out a loan if the interest rates weren't so high.
6. They should have held the conference in Shanghai, but they didn't.
7. Their new face cream launch just a couple of months ago.
8. Next week, the boss will be travelling to India to see the company's latest call centre.
9. Pete has invested in potato business since 1990.
10. We have to avoid lose market share to our competitors.
1 -ok
2 -ok
3 - :-(
4 -ok
5 -ok
7 :-(
10- :-(
3. He only bought the franchise after he HAD DONE extensive market research.
7. Their new face cream WAS launchED just a couple of months ago.
8. Next week, the boss IS TRAVELLING to India to see the company's latest call centre.
10. We have to avoid losING market share to our competitors.
Dzięki za pomoc :)


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie