Proszę o sprawdzenie ogłoszenia.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I have rent a flat.The flat is in Warsaw on the streets Kopernika. In this flat is 2 room, kitchen and bathroom. The flat is nice and neat. The flat is near school. I tu nie wiem jak napisac nie wolno sluchac glosno muzyki i palic papierosow tzn nie umiem skonstruowac zdania.From most details call on 888.
Prosze o pomoc
Moze sprobuj jeszcze raz.
Zacznij od np: I have a flat for rent.
Jaka jest od room. Jezeli wymieniasz kilka rzeczy to nie bedzie is, prawda?
Nie zapomnij o przedimkach:)
edytowany przez fui_eu: 21 wrz 2011
moze ktos bardziej pomoze. sama nie dam rady
Smoking and playing of loud music is not permitted.
Na reszte sama sie wysil i bedzie jeszcze czas zeby ktos zerknal. Do tej pory moglabys cos napisac.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 21 wrz 2011
Cytat: fui_eu
Smoking and playing of loud music is not permitted.

raczej Smoking and playing loud music are not permitted.
Again that pesky ARE.
A co do OF to zagooglowalem i widze obie wersje. Jakbym napisal bez ktos inny by poprawil ze z.
Cytat: fui_eu
Jakbym napisal bez ktos inny by poprawil ze z.

ja na pewno nie
Jeżeli już to "the playing of loud music".
Why THE?
Hard to say why. Because it's not some random playing, it's the playing of a specific type of music, I guess?
'playing' can behave like a gerund-verb or like a gerund-noun
verb: playing loud music (cf. to play music, the syntactic pattern holds for the gerund as well)
noun: the playing of loud music (cf. the emission of sound waves, where emission is a regular noun)
To elaborate on 'the' ;
once ‘playing’ is used as a deverbal noun/gerund noun( mg) , the term ‘cataphoric reference within the of-phrase’ can be applied here to justify the use of ‘the’. In other words, the ‘of-phrase’ that follows ‘playing’ restricts it uniquely within the phrase.
Cytat: savagerhino
To elaborate on 'the' ;...
Yeah yeah yeah... could you elaborate on OF?:)
edytowany przez fui_eu: 23 wrz 2011
For numb skulls? Of can easily be ‘tracked down’ by satellite.
Doubt though they could find it with two hands a flashlight and an advanced military space surveillance telescope.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.