strona bierna..

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o korekte mojich zdań i wrazie czego jakies wskazówki

to są zdania przed przekształceniem:

9.why did no one inform me of the change of plan?
10. Tom smith wrote the book amd brown and Co. published it.
11.we shall have to tow the car to the garage.
12. I'm afraid we have sold all our copies but we have ordered more.
13.we will prosecute trespassers.
14. someone stole my car and abandoned it fifteen miles away. he had removed the radio but done no other damage.
15. you must keep dogs on leads in the gardens.

a to moje:

9.why did i wasnt informed,that plan is changed
10.the book was wroten by tom smith and it was published
11.the car shall have to be towed to the garage
12.all our copies have been sold but more has been ordered
13.trespassers will be prosecuted car was stolen and abandoned.the radio had been removed but other damage hadnt been done
15.dogs must be kept on leads

9. Why did no one inform me of the change of plan?
9. Why {wasn't I} informed {of the change of plane}?
10. Tom smith wrote the book amd brown and Co. published it.
10. The book was {written} by Tom Smith and (it was) published {by Brown & Co.}.
11. We shall have to tow the car to the garage.
11. The car {will} have to be towed to the garage.
12. I'm afraid we have sold all our copies but we have ordered more.
12. All our copies have been sold but more {have} been ordered.
13. We will prosecute trespassers.
13. Trespassers will be prosecuted. OK
14. Someone stole my car and abandoned it fifteen miles away. He had removed the radio but done no other damage.
14. My car was stolen and abandoned {fifteen miles away}. The radio had been removed but {no} other damage {had} been done.
15. You must keep dogs on leads in the gardens.
15. Dogs must be kept on leads {in teh gardens}.

a gdzie pierwsze 8 zdan :?
9 problem z konstrukcją pytania - skoro wasn't, to niepotrzebne jest did!
10 stanalem jak wrytty: nie ma formy wroten + a przez kogo opublikowana?
11 will (shall w tym znaczeniu tylko po I oraz we) - to z Thomsona & Martineta?
12 brak poczatku zdania (bez zmian) + more oznacza wiele przedmiotow, a wiec liczba mnoga
13 ok (mozna sie czepiac, ze powinno byc shall, ale pewnie nie wiedzialbys dlaczego, prawda?)
14 brak '15 miles away' - lepiej nie pomijaj takich drobiazgow
15 tez brak drobiazgu
dzieki ,straszne ile podst bledow zrobilem (wroten -.-).no nic pozostalo tylko cwiczyc


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