sprawdzi mi ktos ? :((((

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
In recent years the numer of road accidents has increased.
Thousands of people die for different reasons. The most of them are innocent. They are victims of pitlles drivers whose forget that they arent sole on a road and they make a thread for others participants of road trafiic.
One of the reason of cases is bad condition of ways and pavements. Streets are excessively narrow. The road surface is frequently bumpy or slippery. There are also many potholes in it.
We buy new comfortable cars but they arent accomodate for our ways and ther very fastly undergo disruption.
Besides, younger and younger people sit behind steering-wheel. They want to impress in front of their friends, often disregard traffic regulation and drive over the speed limit.
But in my opinion, me most important reason of accidents on the roads are drunk drivers. People dont relise that drinking even one bottle of strong beer is more than the legal amount. Then even the smallest error can cause fatality.
I think we should be prudent and caution on the road then werent so many accidents.