Proszę o sprawdzenie tekstu o przestępczości!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

At the beginning I would like to say that there is a lot of crime in our world. We meet it every day. We read about it in newspaper, hear in radio and TV, we watch films full of murders and violence. People murder other people, even children in age 12, even less, become killers. Unfortunately, we seems to accept crime and we do nothing to change this horrible situation.

First of all the worst crime is murder. It’s hard to imagine how a man is able to kill somebody else. However we know many other types of crime. For example, in large cities there are a lot of unemployed people who have no useful work skills , they don’t work, can’t work, don’t pay taxes. There are also alcoholics and drug addicts. Those people steal money or goods to pay for their drugs, alcohol, food. Their crimes cost people a lot. There are also angry young people who destroy property and commit violence. In this time more popular, on the wrong meaning, become terrorism.

So, how to penalize people who are on wrong way? I think that prisons which are only for punishment don’t change criminals into good citizens. They live in bone cells, in a severe regime. When they are released they commit other crimes. The prisoners should cooperate with psychiatrists, group therapy sessions. But it is also hard work. Results depend on a person. If the criminal wants a change, he will do it. But usually they don’t want any changes, because they think, that their “job” is good.

In conclusion in our daily world we see crime everywhere. We haven’t any good ideas how to fight with criminals. The only solution for us, is teach young people about the most important values, take care of kids, they must know that they aren’t alone. Maybe is the only way to make our world free from crime.

Prosiłbym o zerknięcie na ten tekst i sprawdzenie błędów, usterek itp. Ogólnie jak się czyta tekst, czy jest spójny...pod każdym względem każda uwaga będzie dla mnie cenna.

Mam również drugą prośbę, która jest troszkę mniej "moralna". Otóż mam napisać jeszcze jedną taką pracę tylko na temat; "Huliganów na stadionach i przemocy w piłce nożnej". Niestety mam mnóstwo powtórek do matury i kompletnie nie mam czasu na napisanie tego speech'a. Jeżeli ktoś miałby taki tekst, bardzo bym prosił o "pożyczenie", gdyż nie jestem w stanie go napisać... A jakieś pomysły jak to można napisać, też będą przydatne...

Z góry dziękuję za pomoc!!
help :-(
haLo, jest tam kto? Odezwijcie się :D! Naprawdę potrzebuję waszej pomocy...:-/
pobudka! I need your help :->
wg. mnie jest ok!

pzdr :)))
please help....nie wierzę, zeby wszystko było wporządku!!
do you want to kiss me? :-> Wake up my dear!!
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa


Studia za granicą