poprawa tekstu

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, jeżeli jest to możliwe proszę o poprawienie błędów w ponizszym tekście bo na pewno jest ich wiele.

Every year on the roads is a lot of car accidents which people loss of their life or gets serious injuries. It could be a many reasons of that but I will try to tell some of the most popular.
According to the police in Poland, the majority of accidents are on a straight stretch of road - this is an average of every third case. The reason seems to be simple - excessive speed.
Poles tend to drive fast, just love driving fast. By. Statistics on average 45% of Poles bluntly admits that he likes driving fast. Even in France or in Germany, where the highway is much better than the Polish, people drive slowly.
Many drivers think, they are the best driver or just show off their skills ahead of passengers. Driver could loss control of the vehicle and can hit the tree or other car.
Next thing is cell phones.
Car and cell phones are a bed combination for several reason. Many drivers take their eyes off the road and sometimes their hands take off the steering wheel to example text a massage. It is not hard to imagine what could happen.
A dangerous thing is alcohol. Still many people decides to drive after alcohol. This is not a very responsible because we have a limited ability to see and focus which can lead to disasters. Somebody who decided drive after drink alcohol may result in fatal accident. This leads to loss of license and even go to jail.
For every second kilometer of road ruts are deeper than 2 cm, as the fourth - even more than 3cm. In the European Union, such routes are excluded from use. In Poland, if we were to close these roads we would have to close more than half. Therefore, the road damaged by ruts are classified as being in poor condition and only limited to their speed.
I told only a few reasons for car accidents happen but there are many more just like faulty vehicle, drug, wrong assessment of the situation, errors drivers and just human stupidity.
Witch a little planning and some common sense you can avoid becoming statistics.

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