Coz, niektore zdania kopiuje z innych moich listow motywacyjnych, ktore juz zostaly przez Was sprawdzone. Ale ostroznosci nigdy nie za wiele. Dziekuje za pomoc.
My interest in Public Policy was aroused in 2004 when Poland became a member of the European Union. I could immediately notice the benefits that it could bring to my country of origin. In 2007 I moved to France, a founder member of the European Union, in order to take up my studies. Being a student in Applied Contemporary Letters at Paris-Sorbonne Paris IV, I could extend/improve my linguistic ability and develop my knowledge about French culture and history as well as assimilate basis on economics and political science.
Exploring Europe, I could not underestimate the importance of English language. Consequently, I improved my English skills by linguistic summer stays in London, New York and Liverpool. Last year, I decided to continue my studies at Sorbonne-Nouvelle Paris 3, which offers a high level formation in languages. The Bachelor in European Studies which I am preparing this year allows me to improve my language skills and achieve knowledge in essential subjects – political science, economics, law and history, all these in their European context.
This degree course has definitely convinced me to orientate my education towards a career of a European Union servant. In view of this, I would like to complete my qualifications by integrating your Master of Public Policy.
Having acquired a basic theory, I would like to complete it now in a professional background. This is why the programme you propose answer to my expectations, especially through its specialization in European public policy. I appreciate that you focus on such concrete subjects as Policy Analysis, Economic Analysis, Strategic Management, Financial Management, Political Advocacy and Leadership. It completely corresponds to my vision of policy-making based above all on a solid analysis and strong management. I am convinced that this curriculum combined with ethics courses that you equally propose will reliably prepare me to the profession I have chosen.
I would also like to enrich my international experience. I am especially interested in continuing my studies in Germany. For the efficacy of its public policies, this country is an example for Europe to follow. This is why I consider that my knowledge about Europe is insufficient to integrate the European Union institutions as long as it is not completed with a German experience.
For all these reasons, I am convinced that Willy Brandt School of Public Policy has all the qualities necessary to prepare me to the career I am willing to undertake, and consequently, I will do my best to work assiduously.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any additional information.
I would appreciate if you could take my application into consideration and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
edytowany przez moderatora: 03 sie 2014