Ma ktoś czas?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam pytanie, czy ma ktoś chwilke czasu, żeby pomóc mi w przetlumaczeniu tekstu? Mam przetlumaczone mniej wiecej, ale chodzi mi o to, żeby bylo składnie;)
yyyyyyyyyyyyy ja mam czas ;) ale to już chyba troszku za późno
Howeever the websites of airlines or hotels are likely to prove more popular with frequent travellers than those of online agents because the formal can also be used to check up on rewards, cash them in and to find special offers, such as upgrades
Nie za późno, każda pomoc się przyda;)
Another weapon many travel providers are likely to deploy are lowest-price guarantees. These are designed to persuade people that it is not worth looking any further for a better online deal. Inter-Continental, one of the world's biggest hotel chains and the owner of Crowne Plaza and Holiday Inn, claims to be the first hotel company to have introduced a price guarantee for every room booked through its own websites: if a lower rate can be found on the internet for the same accomodation on the same date, it will honour the lower rate and also give a 10% discount
ty dajesz frajerom caly tekst do przetlumaczenia - zdanie po zdaniu, a sama nie robisz nic. Zycze niewatpliwych sukcesow w pracy w przyszlosci.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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